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Knowledge area
Applied Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

She got her Bachelor´s degree in Economics (1984) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania (1991). She is associate professor at the UPV/EHU from 1994 to the present. She has been vice-dean of International Relations and coordinator of the Erasmus program at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU (2002-2005).

Her teaching focuses on Econometrics at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and in the OpenCourseWare (OCW) of the UPV/EHU. She has participated in different educational innovation programs and currently she is a member of three IKD Structured Teaching Teams of the UPV/EHU: Master´s degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance edIKDit-18-34, GREAT Active Econometrics Team, edIKDit-18-19 and Economic education for a Sustainable Society edIKDit- 19- 8.

She has been a visiting professor at the University of California, member of the BETS Training and Research Unit and the MACLAB consolidated research group. She is currently a member of BiRTE (Bilbao Research Team in Economics, group A of the Basque university system). Her research relates to data analysis and applied econometrics for the study of economic and financial models. Currently she is working on the analysis of the Continuous Sample of Working Lives and its application to study mortality differences and the Spanish pension system.

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