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Knowledge area
Administrative Law
Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law
Faculty of Law
Electronic mail

KNOWLEDGE AREA: Administrative Law

DEPARTMENT: Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law

CENTRE: Faculty of Law of Donostia/San SebastiƔn. University of the Basque Country.

E-mail: carmen.agoues@ehu.eus.

Graduate in Law (1987) and PhD in Administrative Law from UPV/EHU (1995). She has been a teacher since 1989. She was Secretary of the Councils of Goizueta and Arano (11/04/1988- 20/09/1989). She has been Director of the Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU (2015-2019), Member of the Commission of the Master of Laws (2013-2016); She has been expert adviser to the Economic and Social Council of the Basque Country (2014-2019) and is a member of the Basque Country Arbitration Commission from 2015 to the present. She has been Secretary of the Basque Journal of Public Administration (RVAP) since 2013 under the direction of Professor EDORTA COBREROS MENDAZONA.

He has participated in 13 research projects. He has directed two doctoral theses, both published in the best legal publishing houses. She is the author of 3 monographs, 25 scientific articles and 35 book chapters.

It has 4 sexenios of research recognized by the CNEAI. Its lines of research are: urban planning and spatial planning; The legal regime of education; The regime of road transport; the legal regime of the subsoil and the right of property; judicial remedies against general administrative provisions; public sector contracts.

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