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Public Law
Faculty of Law
Electronic mail

Iñigo de Miguel Beriain holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration and a European doctorate in Law. He also holds a PhD in Philosophy. He is currently a distinguished researcher in the Research Group of the Chair of Law and the Human Genome of the Department of Public Law and Ikerbasque Research Professor.

He has been or is a professor of postgraduate courses at the UNED, the University of Comillas, the San Pablo-CEU University, the University of Seville, the University of Valladolid, the University of Calabria (Italy) and the Jagellonian University of Krakow, Poland.

He has participated in more than ten research projects funded by the European Commission and eight national research projects, almost all of which focus on bioethics and the law of new techno-sciences.

He has published six books and more than sixty articles, more than 25 in journals indexed in ISI and SCOPUS (15 in first quartile). He has given almost 100 lectures and conferences in our country and internationally, including universities such as Vienna, York, Bristol, Freiburg, Calabria, Trento, Manchester, Turku, Helsinki, the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, etc.

He has received the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation Prize for Research in Bioethics, obtained for his work La clonación, diez años después (Cloning ten years later) and the International Prize for Bioethics awarded by the General Assembly of the Principality of Asturias and the International Society of Bioethics 2008.

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