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  • RC1-Knowing and making appropriate use of the right to defense and the procedural postulation of clients within the framework of national and international jurisdictional protection systems.
  • RC2-Knowing and making appropriate use of the procedural techniques in the execution of the acts that take place in the different jurisdictional orders, with special attention to the deadlines, communication acts, execution and means of enforcement.
  • RC3-Incorporate the deontological rights and duties of the person who practices as a lawyer or solicitor in relations with clients, other parties, courts, authorities and other professionals.
  • RC4-Know and apply the most relevant techniques in each case aimed at the identification and settlement of fees, tax obligations, the constitution of judicial deposits and the payment of any expenses and costs necessary to guarantee the effective judicial protection of the rights of the persons represented.
  • RC5-Create the organizational structure of the professional office according to the human resources that compose it and the type of clients it addresses, and establish a protocol of economic and fiscal management for the professional office, compliance and protection of occupational risks and personal data.
  • RC6-Express oneself orally and in writing, in a manner appropriate to the context and the needs or special characteristics of each addressee, and draw legal consequences from the facts in an argued manner, in all procedural areas.
  • RC7-Interact appropriately with citizens, institutions and other professionals.
  • RCO1-Recognize in the elaboration of procedural documents, interrogations and expert evidence, the techniques aimed at ascertaining and establishing the facts in the different types of proceedings.
  • RCO2-Describe in detail the various techniques of interest composition.
  • RCO3-Identify the different responsibilities linked to the exercise of the professional activity, including the basic functioning of free legal aid and the promotion of the social responsibility of the person who practices law or procures.
  • RCO4-Recognize the situations of conflict of interest that may arise in professional practice.
  • RCO5-Identify the most relevant conflict resolution techniques in each situation and context.
  • RCO6-Formulate the requirements of provision and organization determinants for legal advice and procedural representation.
  • RCO7-Determine the administrative or jurisdictional instance and the appropriate action or action for the defense of the client's rights.
  • RCO8-Recognize the appropriate legal instrument to represent the interested parties before third parties, public administrations and courts.
  • RCO9-Identify the legal acts that require, for their effectiveness, notarial intervention and those that require registration.
  • RH1-Apply correctly and appropriately the specialized knowledge acquired in the degree in professional practice before courts or public authorities, as well as in advisory functions, respecting democratic principles and values and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • RH2-Appropriately use alternative methods to legal proceedings for the resolution of legal conflicts.
  • RH3-Effectively and correctly carry out the acts of communication of the parties in the process.
  • RH4-Distinguish, in a clear and precise manner, the private interests represented by legal professionals from those of a public nature, the execution of which is entrusted to them by law and the courts, in order to collaborate effectively with the courts in the execution of judicial decisions.
  • RH5-Apply the conflict resolution techniques most relevant to each situation and context, establish the scope of professional secrecy and preserve independence of judgement.
  • RH6-Use the judicial procedures, protocols, systems and applications required for communication and cooperation with the Administration of Justice, paying special attention to those of an electronic, computerized and telematic nature.
  • RH7-Develop teamwork techniques aimed at achieving greater efficiency through access to sources of information, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and the use of applied techniques and tools.
  • RH8-Planning the organizational structure of the professional office according to the human resources that compose it and the type of clients it addresses.
  • RH9-Develop professional work in specialized and interdisciplinary teams.