Do you want to do your thesis with us?

One of the main activities of LANLAW Research Group is the training of new researchers in matters related to Labour and Social Security Law and, more specifically, in issues related to transnational labour and transport law. From this perspective, if you wish to study in depth any issue related to the subject of labour law relations, the Group has accredited staff to supervise your doctoral thesis, offering -in addition- an appropriate environment for its elaboration.

In this context, two doctoral thesis are being prepared at present under the supervision of the Group's PI:

  1. Thesis being prepared by Mr. Manuel Velázquez Fernández entitled “The control of posting workers’ in the framework of the European Union” within the framework of the Doctoral Programme “Globalisation under Examination: Challenges and interdisciplinary responses”.

  2. Thesis in preparation by Ms. María Gorrochategui Polo entitled “Transnational Collective Labour Relations” within the framework of the Doctoral Programme “Human Rights, Public Powers, European Union: Public and Private Law”.