Teaching Staff
Izaskun Alberdi

Izaskun holds a BSc in Biology from the University of the Basque Country and completed postgraduate specialist studies in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology at the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain) and Scientific Illustration at the University of the Basque Country. Professionally, she has worked in several areas related to biology, including as a guide in the Basque Coast Geopark of and as a research technician. She will participate in the subjects: methodology of scientific illustration, basic design concepts and digital vector drawing. www.norarte.es
Ibon Alonso

Doctor in Physics and Lecturer in the Department of Applied Physics II at the University of the Basque Country, he works in the field of basic and applied research such as spectroscopy, optical properties of liquid crystals and micro- & nano-manufacturing. Given his experience in the field of materials science in collaboration with researchers from other disciplines he has a multi-disciplinary vision of the basic needs and requirements for the visualization of molecules. He will give the subject visualization of molecules.
Kepa Altonaga

Doctor in Biology, he is lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the Basque Country. Specialist in taxonomy and distribution of Iberian malacofauna. He has published numerous essays to spread scientific knowledge: Folin markesa: marraskiloak eta euskaldunak uharte galduan (Elhuyar, 1998), Armand David, pandaren aita (Elhuyar,2001), Etxepare,Aldudeko medikua (Euskaltzaindia-UPV/EHU, 2006), Darwin geurean (Pamiela, 2010), Arnaut Abadiaren zoo ilogikoa (Pamiela, 2011), Back to Leizarraga (Pamiela, 2015). He will give the general zoology classes.
Alvaro Antón Baranda

Doctor en Ciencias es profesor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática y de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales en la Facultad de Educación de Bilbao de la UPV/EHU. Tiene gran experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos en Fauna, Recursos Faunísticos y Calidad y Educación ambiental en sistemas fluviales. Además, desde la Facultad de Educación actualmente investiga en Educación y Divulgación ambiental y científica. Impartirá la asignatura de zoología general.
Mauricio Anton

Graduated in Fine Arts at “Centro de Enseñanza Gráfica” in Caracas (Venezuela), he works as professional paleoartist since the late 1980s. He collaborates with several entities, for example with the Paleobiology department at Natural science museum in Madrid. Since 2013 he has been leading “Drawing the Big Cats”, an original “Art&Science” Safari that takes place each year in the wilderness of Northern Botswana. In 2020 he had the honour of holding the Basler Chair at the East Tennessee State University. He will give the subject Illustration in Paleontology in this course. www
Vega Asensio

Doctor in Biology, she works in the field of scientific illustration and applied design in science. She gives courses in data visualization and design to science professionals. She collaborates with institutions that organize illustration workshops so that knowledge of science and nature is disseminated. Her illustrations above all have been published in scientific articles, theses, slides, books, etc. She will participate in the subjects: methodology of scientific illustration, basic design concepts and digital vector drawing. www.norarte.es
Jose Antonio Azpilicueta

Graduate in Fine Arts he is Professor in the Department of Drawing in the Faculty of Fine Arts in the UPV/EHU. He has given classes related to drawing, anatomy and comics. During this time, he has alternated teaching with painting practice and illustration. He has also exhibited illustrations on numerous occasions, both collective and individually; and in the written press has a weekly collaboration with a comic. He will participate in the subject of medical illustration related to surface anatomy.
Fernando Baptista

Graduate of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country, he worked as a freelance illustrator for several years until joining the newspaper El Correo. Since 2007 he has worked as senior editor at the National Geographic Magazine. He has been lecturer at the Universidad de Navarra and has given talks and workshops around the world. He has been awarded more than 150 prizes, the most notable being a Peter Sullivan, the top award in information graphics, and two Emmy nominations. He will give the information graphics section in this course.
Naiara Barrado-Izagirre

Doctor in Physics, currently works on the staff at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería and is a researcher at the de Planetary Sciences Group at the University of the Basque Country, she is an expert on planetary atmospheres. Her scientific articles have been published in the most important journals in this area of study. She has participated in over twenty congresses, international as well as national ones. Moreover, she is involved in scientific dissemination with collaborations on the radio, blogs, articles of general interest and conferences. She will give the subject of astronomy.
Meritxell Campos

Graduated in Graphic Arts and Design with the specialty of Scientific Illustration, she is a specialist in naturalistic illustration. She uses mainly traditional tools and she has participated in numerous outreach projects. She teaches workshops and courses in Scientific Illustration in different centers and schools since 2015. She received several awards for her work as scientific illustrator. In this course she will take part in the subject traditional drawing in the gouache technique. www
Jaione Cardas

Graduate in Psychology and doctor in Psychobiology, she has worked as a neuropsychologist and is on the staff at the Universidad Pública de Navarra and in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of the Basque Country, where she currently works. Moreover, she has worked in the applied field carrying out clinical studies and has also participated in the development of multimedia products aimed at psychological evaluation and treatment. She will participate in the subject of basic design concepts, emphasising the perception of images.
Fernando Cucchietti

Doctor in Physics in Argentina, he has done research into quantum mechanics in the USA and at the Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas in Spain. His scientific career has always been based around an interest in the visual communication of quantitative data. He worked at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where he created the scientific visualization team. In 2012 this team received the prize for the best scientific video from the National Science Foundation and Science magazine. He will take part in the subject of animation. www
David de Cos

Doctor in Physics, lecturer in the Department of Applied Physics II at the University of the Basque Country, he is an expert in magnetoimpedance, dynamic magnetization at high frequency, ferromagnetic resonance, dynamics of particle beams and the design of components for particle accelerators. His professional experience has given him a wide knowledge of several vector calculation programs, statistics and graphical representation in 2 & 3 dimensions. He will give the subject data visualization.
Iñaki Dieguez

Bachelor in American Archeology and Anthropology from the Complutense University, he works as an archeology artist and historical illustrator. In 2015 he founded ADARQ, the National Association of Archeology Illustrators and Illustrators and the scientific magazine SCHEMA, dedicated to drawing and illustration in archeology. He has taught numerous courses, workshops and conferences on archeological drawing and illustration. In this postgraduate course he will teach the subject of archaeological illustration. www
Harkaitz Eguiraun
Doctor Internacional en Medioambiente y Recursos Marinos e Ingeniero en Automática y Electrónica Industrial ambos por la UPV/EHU y su labor docente se centra en el Departamento de Expresión Gráfica y Proyectos de Ingeniería de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el desarrollo de sistemas de alerta biológicos y en la aplicación de ingeniería inversa a problemas clínicos y biológicos. Impartirá la el bloque de tecnología.
Rosa Errazkin

Kimika Zientzietan lizentziatua, polimeroen espezialitatean (UPV/EHU). Bergarako Laboratorium museoko zuzendaria, Euskalerriko Adiskideen Elkarteko kidea eta 1992tik Bergarako Errege Seminarioko antzinako instrumentu zientifikoen bildumaren arduraduna da. Elhuyar anaien eta Wolframaren aurkikuntzaren historian espezializatua. Esperientzia sendoa du XVIII. mendearen amaierako eta XIX. mendeko tresna zientifikoen historian, kontserbazioan eta hedapenean, baita museoen kudeaketa orokorrean ere.
Nerea Legarreta

Doctor in the Department of Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country, dedicating his work there to specialized graphic techniques and lithography. In his most recent research he worked on new supports for drawing; analysing herbal fibres and composites for the creation of papers with very diverse characteristics and applications. He currently develops his artistic and teaching activities in the fields of graphics and illustration. He will participate in the subject medical illustration in surface anatomy.
Ana Madinabeitia

Ana holds a BA in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country and she has deep knowledge of biology. She completed her postgraduate specialist studies in Scientific Illustration at the University of the Basque Country with honor distinction. She has also a master degree in graphic and multimedia design at the INEDI Design School in Bilbao. She will participate in the subjects: methodology of scientific illustration, basic design concepts and digital vector drawing. www.norarte.es
Uxune Martínez

Graduate in Sociology at the Universidad de Deusto, in 1998 she specialized in the management of human resources and communication (MARHUM) at the UPV/EHU and in 2014 in Company communication at the Mondragon Unibertsitatea. For 11 years she was responsible for the documentation of Inguma, the data base of the Basque scientific community. She is currently responsible for scientific dissemination at the Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación at the Fundación Euskampus. She will participate in the subject scientific communication.www
Eva Moraga

Graduate in Law and Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, she advises and trains art and culture professionals about their obligations and rights, as well as on all other aspects related to their professional activity and the development of their careers. She gives conferences, workshops and courses on these matters at several different institutions. Her extensive knowledge about the professionalization of the art and culture sector means that she is the perfect teacher for the subject professionalization of scientific illustration. www
Jose Antonio Morlesin

Doctor in Fine Arts and lecturer in the Department of Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts (UPV / EHU), where he has taught courses in drawing, illustration, comics and professionalization. His research focuses on book cover design, comics and illustration. He has collaborated with various entities in illustration and graphic design projects, mainly in the editorial field. He has also received awards for some of his graphic creations. In this course he will take part in the subject of Graphic Design.
Xabier Murelaga

Doctor in Geology, he is currently a professor at the Department of Statigraphy and Paleontology of the UPV / EHU. In his scientific career he has focused on the study of fossils. His teaching experience is extensive, and it must be highlighted his activities in science dissemination with the delivery of numerous talks related to his field. In this course he will teach part of the subject of Illustration in Paleontology.
Aitor Oñederra

Graduated in Fine Arts at the UPV/EHU and the Complutense University of Madrid, among his outstanding works are the projections for the musical Hoy No Me Tengo Levantar; Header for the documentary El Corazón de Sergio Ramos; and his short film I said I would never talk about politics. He alternates his work as an audiovisual creative and illustrator, with the direction of the Deba International Animated Film Festival - Animadeba - and with teaching at Department of Art and Technology. He will give the subject animation in this course.
Maren Ortiz Zarragoitia

Lecturer in Cellular Biology and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) at the University of the Basque Country, he gives classes in Cellular Biology, Tissue Biology and Molecular Cellular Biology at 3 levels at the FCT. He has given several seminars at European and Latin-American universities, and currently co-ordinates the programs for student mobility at the FCT. He is co-author of the online book - Ehunen Biología. Because of his knowledge of cellular biology and histology he will give part of the subject medical illustration.
Santiago Pérez-Hoyos

Doctor in Physics and researcher in the Planetary Science Group at the University of the Basque Country. He researches into radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres. He is co-author of around 50 papers with over a thousand citations, having a parameter of h = 21. Moreover, he is involved in scientific dissemination with his collaborations on the radio, blogs and articles of general interest as well as conferences all over the country He also took part in the team that organized the Pint of Science cycle in Bilbao in 2016. He will give the scientific communication subject in this course.
Carles Puche

A world famous illustrator, he has been giving scientific illustration courses for over 20 years at different institutions and universities. He has collaborated in journals such as Mundo Científico, National Geographic, El Temps, Mètode, Ciència, Medi Ambient and Bouteloua with his drawings. He won the Junceda prize 2010 in the scientific illustration speciality and has also had the role of exhibition curator. He will give classes in traditional drawing: ink and acuarele. www
Guillermo Roa

Doctor in Chemistry and popular science writer, reporter and radio-speaker in Elhuyar Foundation. He has worked for many media formats: press, the Internet, radio and television. It’s been nearly 20 years since he began illustrating his work, including 3d animation techniques. Now a days, he is drawing a section of the science TV program Teknopolis for the ETB channel. He will give the subject of 3D.
Natxo Rodríguez

Lecturer in the department of Art and Technology at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country, in 2008 he presented his doctoral thesis: Artes visuales y Cultura libre. Una aproximación Copyleft al arte Contemporáneo. As an artist, he has been a member of the SEAC ( Selección de Arte de Concepto) and Fundación Rodríguez, participating in different exhibitions and projects, both national and international, above all related to contemporary culture. Because of his extensive knowledge of copyleft he will participate in the subject professionalization.
Manuel Romera

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery, he is Master in Immunology at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and specialist in Ophthalmology at the Hospital Vall d'Hebron, dedicated to neuro-ophthalmology and eye-socket surgery. Since 2013 he has been working professionally in medical, anatomic, surgical and molecular illustration as well as in computer graphics. He also advises on presentations and scientific communication. He is responsible for the editorial design of the Científica Editorial Kekulé. He will give classes in medical illustration. www
Jonathan Rubines

Graduate in Biology and with Advanced Studies in Animal Biology at the University of the Basque Country, he is University Expert in Journalism and Scientific Communication from UNED. He has extensive experience as a manager of Protected Natural Spaces where he works on local socio-economic conservation and development projects. He carries out environmental education and communication programs. In the postgraduate course he will teach part of the subject of Scientific Communication.
Eduardo Saiz

Biologist and scientific illustrator, he lives his profession as an adventure, seeing the world as a place to enjoy, demonstrating his curiosity and transmitting the knowledge he acquires through his images. He has illustrated subjects such as nature, anatomy, paleo-anthropology, archaeology and ethnography for scientific and educational publications and for museography. He has given courses on illustration in several art schools and universities and has received various prizes for his work. He will give a part of the subject traditional drawing: specialty in graphite.
Isabel Salcedo

Doctor in Biology, she is specialized in botany. A large part of his work is based on taxonomy and scientific illustration for example to help in the identification of marine macro-algae, bringing a new vision of how to present monographs of plant species. At this moment in time her work is dedicated to gardening and landscaping, combining this work with illustration, graphic design and creating graphic material for articles, theses and books. She will give the subject of general botanic.
Jaume Serra

Jaume Serra works as professional journalist since the early 90's. He has directed or advised the graphic areas of numerous media in Latin America and Europe, among others he has been Deputy Chief Editor to the Management of the newspaper La Vanguardia (Barcelona). Recognized as an international benchmark for infographic journalism, his work has been distinguished with more than a hundred awards by the Society For News Desing, Malofiej and Laus Awards. In this course he will teach part of the infographic subject. www
Pablo Serrano Basterra

Graduated in Geography and History, he develops his professional work applying photogrammetry and 3D design techniques. He is responsible for the 3D Virtual Museums of Los Bañales, Alto de la Cruz-Cortes, Navarra, and Santa Criz de Eslava, he also performs recreation and virtual video-tours, and he colaborates with research teams. In addition, he teaches at the Open University of Burgos-UBU. In this course he will participate in the subject of Illustration in archeology, emphasizing the photogrammetry technique. www
Jose Luis Solaun

Arkeologian doktore eta UPV/EHUko Arkeologia irakasle, arkeologia historikoaren eta ondare kulturalaren inguruan ikertzen du. Bere proiektuak arkitekturaren arkeologiaren gaiaren barruan kokatzen dira. Horien artean azpimarragarrienak Vitoria-Gasteizko Andre Maria Katedralaren eta Portillako monumentu-multzoaren zaharberritzeak dira. Azken horrek Premio Hispania Nostra 2016 saria lortu zuen. Bere ibilbide profesionalean zehar hainbat argitalpen kaleratu ditu. Ilustrazioa arkeologian irakasgaiaren atal bat emango du.
Begoña Vicario

Graduate in Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country, she studied animation at the Pilot studio in Moscow, under Alexander Tatarski. Throughout her professional career she has produced and directed various short films which have been selected for showing at important film festivals winning several prizes, among these a Goya. At the moment, she alternates work as a producer with teaching at the Department of Art and Technology at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country. She will give the subject animation in this course.
Néstor Vegas

Doctor in Geology, he works as a researcher in the Department of Geodynamics at the UPV/EHU. He is specialized in studies of structural geology, petrology of igneous rocks and paleo-magnetism. He is author of many publications which show off the design of his own illustrations. Moreover, he has a wide-ranging experience of field work in different geodynamic environments, such as the West-African craton, the Andean mountain chain and the north-west Iberian Peninsula. Expondrá las necesidades y opciones del área de Earth Sciences.
María Viñas

Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Vigo. At the end of her studies, she moved to Barcelona where she began her career as a freelance illustrator, specialized in medical and scientific illustration, while working as a drawing teacher within the Consortium for Advanced Studies in Barcelona program, a collaborative initiative developed by ten universities of great world prestige. He works for national and international medical, publishing and pharmaceutical professionals such as Edikamed, Mc Graw Hill Education, J&C or Lilly. He will teach the subject of matrix digital drawing. www