Celebrating excellence in scientific illustration

Celebrating excellence in scientific illustration

At our Master's in Scientific Illustration, we pride ourselves on training the best talent in the field, and their achievements speak for themselves. Our graduates have been recognized with prestigious awards, demonstrating their ability to combine art and science in an impactful way.

Through a unique combination of traditional techniques and cutting-edge digital tools, our students acquire an unparalleled skill set that sets them apart in the competitive world of scientific illustration. From detailed anatomical illustrations to realistic depictions of complex ecosystems, our award winners make their mark.

These awards are not only a testament to the rigor and dedication that permeate our training, but also an inspiration to those who wish to follow in their footsteps.

  • A 1st prize and finalist in the youth short film competition "CLIMAMETRAJE".
  • Two 1st prizes in the ONZIENTZIA contest.
  • Three 1st prizes in the contest CIENCIA JOT DOWN.
  • One 3rd prize in the comic contest 'Desgranando comics'.
  • One Finalist in Junceda prizes.
  • A 1st prize and 3 special mentions in the scientific illustration awards of the UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA.
  • A 1st Prize and ten finalists in the ILLUSTRACIENCIA contest.
  • Four editions of the PiE-UPV/EHU scientific illustration awards.
  • One edition of the contest "A POSTER FOR PI DAY". Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU.
  • One finalist in the II Colombian Scientific Illustration Encounter.


Scientific illustration competition - Plentzia marine station

The Plentzia Marine Station (PIE-UPV/EHU) is organising the scientific illustration competition dedicated to the underwater fauna and flora of the Bay of Biscay, together with the teaching staff of the master's degree in Scientific Illustration of the University of the Basque Country. The participants in this competition are only students and graduates of the master's degree in Scientific Illustration. The prize consists of 500 euros.

1st edition (2020)

2nd edition (2021)

Nuria González Santiagok wins 2nd edition in 2021.

New: www.ehu.eus/es/web/campusa/-/la-flora-y-fauna-del-golfo-de-bizkaia-a-todo-detalle

3rd edition (2022)

4th edition (2023)

5th edition (2024)

Andrés Díaz wins 5th edition in 2024.

New: https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/campusa/-/zeus-faber-san-pedroren-arraina-eus


Colombian Scientific Illustration Encounter

Colombian Scientific Illustration Encounter

The objective of the Colombian Scientific Illustration Encounter is to create meeting spaces among various individuals and institutions involved in scientific illustration at the national level, aiming to promote the significance of illustration as a tool for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Within this context, a scientific illustration contest is held. https://en.arasari-ci.com/

II edition: finalist

Christian Ochoa Lizarazo has been selected as a finalist in the competition with an illustration dedicated to astronomy, specifically focusing on the planet Saturn and its rings. This artwork was created during his studies in the master's program, as part of the Astronomy and Matrix Drawing subject.

Resolution: https://en.arasari-ci.com/_files/ugd/b87a63_1ada81f45abd446b8f7e045459893440.pdf



The ONZIENTZIA contest organized by Elhuyar and DIPC rewards the best short videos on science and technology from 2021.

2021-22 Edition. Award for the best informative video

Alain Sorazu, Alfredo Rodríguez, Kimberlyn Fonseca Pérez eta Morgane Goyens hirugarren promozioko ikasle egresatuek sortutako Lanius Animatics animazio-estudioak dibulgazio-bideo onenaren saria irabazi du.

Ikusi bideoa: https://www.onzientzia.tv/eu/bideo-sarituak/2021-2022-bideo-sarituak/argiztapen-artifizial-naturala/

2022-23 edizioa. Euskarazko dibulgazio-bideo onenaren saria

Ane Ibargoyen Alvarezek seigarren promozioko ikasleak euskarazko dibulgazio-bideo onenaren saria irabazi du.

Ikusi bideoa: https://www.onzientzia.tv/eu/lehiaketak/2022-2023/mina-edo-pikantea-pikante-edo-mina/

Berria: https://dipc.ehu.eus/es/actualidad/noticias/premio-a-los-mejores-videos-cortos-sobre-ciencia-y-tecnologia

2023-24 edition: special mention


KLIMAMETRAJE" competition of short films for young people

Ihobe, a public environmental management company attached to the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, has launched the 2nd edition of the "KLIMAMETRAJE" short film competition for young people. The theme is "Climate action: What actions can we take to tackle climate change? ". The jury will take into account the incorporation of motivational messages that serve to undertake, mitigate climate change and adapt to the expected impacts.

II Edition: 1st prize

The video "Egunero Keinu Txikiak" by Ane Ibargoyen has won the first prize. It is an animated short film that reflects on the small everyday gestures that can be made to combat climate change. The jury has chosen this short microfilm because it has been able, through a very short animation, to transmit in a simple way motivating messages to make a change and calm climate change. The jury awarded them a prize of 1,500 euros.

Ane Ibargoyen was a student of the sixth promotion (2022/23).

See here.

II. Edition: finalist

In this edition, the student of the sixth year Manex San Sebastián (202/23) was a finalist with the feature film 'EKO (Eider, Koldo and Oier) lagunak'.

Ciencia Jot Down

Scientific Illustration Competition - Ciencia Jot Down

The event CIENCIA JOT DOWN (www.ciencia.jotdown.es) announces a science popularization contest with four prizes of 1,000 €: the best science popularization essay, the best science fiction narrative text, the best scientific illustration and the best scientific photography. The prizes are sponsored by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), the Museo Laboratorium de Bergara and the Margarita Salas Foundation, with the collaboration of the University of Seville, Jot Down, Revista Mercurio, Nextdoor Publisher and Bulebar café.

II Edition. The Invisible. 1st Prize

Maddi Astigarraga Bergara graduate student of the fourth promotion (2020/21) wins the 1st prize of this contest with the work 'Lo invisible'.

Resolution: https://www.jotdown.es/2022/05/fallo-del-concurso-ciencia-jot-down-2022-modalidades-de-ensayo-fotograf-fotografia/

News: https://www.ehu.eus/es/-/maddi-astigarraga-bergara-gana-el-certamen-jot-down-2022-

III edition: invisible harmony. 1st prize.

Manex San Sebastián, student of the sixth promotion (2022/23), has received the 1st prize of this competition with the work 'Armonía invisible'.

Resolution: https://www.jotdown.es/2023/09/fallo-del-concurso-ciencia-jot-down-2023-modalidades-de-ensayo-narrativa-poesia-fotografia-e-ilustracion/

IV edition: hominids. 1st prize.

Andres Diaz, student of the sixth promotion (2022/23), has received the 1st prize of this competition with the work 'the fist step'.

Resolution: https://www.jotdown.es/2024/04/fallo-del-concurso-ciencia-jot-down-2024-modalidades-de-ensayo-narrativa-fotografia-e-ilustracion/

Junceda Sariak

Junceda prizes

In 2003, the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia created the Junceda Awards, which recognise all areas of illustration, including scientific illustration. Teaching staff from this master's degree have been awarded prizes and now the work of our students has been recognised.

XXI Edition: finalist

Mikel Rodriguez, a student in the 2018/19 academic year, is a finalist with the interactive website PLANKTON.

Desgranando Ciencia

Desgranando comics: contest dedicated to science comics

"Desgranando Ciencia" is the reference science outreach event in Andalusia whose first edition was in 2013. Disseminators, communicators and researchers from all over the country gather in Granada to tell us all kinds of stories full of science and curiosity. As part of this event, the "Desgranando comics", the contest dedicated to science comics was born in 2021.

III Edition: 3rd prize

Berta Banzo Gallego, student in the year 21/22 has won the 3rd prize with her comic: Anna Atkings: Art and Science.

Resolution: https://granada.hablandodeciencia.com/desgranandocomics/

Read it here: http://www.cienciaencomic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Libro-Desgranando-Comic-III-DC9-2023.pdf

IV Edition: Special mention of the organisation

Manex San Sebastian Imaz, student of the course 22/23 has received a special mention with his comic: Dr. Ana: saving the future.

Resolution: https://granada.hablandodeciencia.com/desgranandocomics/

Read it here: https://granada.hablandodeciencia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Libro-Desgranando-Comic-IV-2024.pdf

Concurso de Ilustración Científica - Universidad de Málaga

Scientific Illustration Competition - University of Malaga

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Malaga (www.uma.es/facultad-de-ciencias) has been organizing since 2018 a Scientific Illustration contest that is growing year by year.

I Edition (2019). Special mention

Paula Martín, graduate student of the second promotion (2018/19) receives one of the three special mentions of this contest with the work titled 'Camachuelo común' (Common bullfinch) made during her training with us in the watercolor course taught by Carles Puche. This illustration was also the cover of the magazine 'Encuentros en biología'.

Resolution: https://www.uma.es/sala-de-prensa/noticias/mas-de-30-obras-compiten-en-el-i-concurso-de-ilustracion-cientifica-de-la-uma/

II Edition (2020). Special mention

María Candamil López, a graduate of the third class (2019/20), has received one of the three special mentions in this competition. In our training, in the subject of graphite taught by Eduardo Sainz, she created the work awarded as 'Peral_Callery_Peral_Flor'. In addition, this illustration is currently part of the signage of the arboretum of the University of the Basque Country.

Resolution: https://www.uma.es/facultad-de-ciencias/noticias/resolucion-del-ii-concurso-de-ilustracion-cientifica-2020/

III Edition (2021). Special mention

Alain Sorazu Agirre, graduate student of the third promotion (2019/20), has received one of the three special mentions of this competition with the work 'Cuculus canorus'.

Resolution: https://www.uma.es/facultad-de-ciencias/noticias/iii-concurso-de-ilustracion-cientifica/

News: https://uztarria.eus/komunitatea/dida/1621335146798-aipamen-berezia-egin-diote-alain-sorazuren-cuculus-canorus-ilustrazioari

V Edition (2023). 1st prize

Nuria González Santiago, graduate of the fourth promotion (2020/21), has received the 1st prize of this contest with the work 'Some keys of the Forest Buzzard Bat'.

Resolution: https://www.uma.es/facultad-de-ciencias/noticias/resolucion-v-concurso-de-ilustracion-cientifica-edicion-2023/


Illustraciencia Awards

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Nature Science National Museum (MNCN-CSIC) of the Spanish National Research Council and theCatalan Association of Scientific Communication (ACCC) organize the International Award for Scientific and Nature Illustration, IIlustraciencia. Several prizes are awarded each year and 40 works are selected for a traveling exhibition.

7th edition (2020). Finalist

Amaia Torres, student of the second promotion, has been a finalist in the 7th edition of the Illustraciencia awards. This work was created during her postgraduate course offered by Eduardo Saiz.

See: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2019/10/amaia-torres-pineiro-kaki.html

7th edition (2020). Finalist

Mikel Rodriguez, the student of the second promotion is a finalist in the 7th edition of the Illustraciencia awards. He has been finalist with the infographic of the coelacanth. This work has been made in the subject of Infographics taught by Fernando Baptista in our training.

See: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2019/10/mikel-rodriguez-hidalgo-el-celacanto-un.html

8th Edition (2021). Finalist

Alfredo Rodríguez, a student of the third graduating class, has been a finalist in the 8th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

See: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2021/03/alfredo-rodriguez-hernani-morfologia.html

8th Edition (2021). Finalist

Paula Martin, a student of the second graduating class, has been a finalist in the 8th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

See: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2021/03/paula-martin-rodriguez-cinchona.html

9th Edition (2022). Finalist

Maddi Astigarraga, a student of the fourth graduating class, has been a finalist in the 9th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2022/02/anatomia-del-oido-y-estructuras.html

9th Edition (2022). Finalist

Alain Sorazu, a student of the third graduating class, has been a finalist in the 9th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2022/02/alain-sorazu-agirre-el-alcatraz-comun.html

9th Edition (2022). Finalist

Alfredo Rodríguez, student of the third Illustraciencia promotion, has been finalist for the second time in Illustraciencia.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2022/02/alfredo-rodriguez-hernani-anatomia-de.html

9th Edition (2022). Finalist

Ledicia Prieto, a student of the second graduating class, has been a finalist in the 9th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

See: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2022/02/ledicia-prieto-vazquez-artesanas-de-la.html

10th Edition (2023). Finalist

Javier Almeida, student of the fouth graduating class, has been a finalist in the 10th edition of the Illustraciencia awards.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2023/04/javier-almeida-velasco-hipomimia-el.html

10th Edition (2023). Finalist

Alfredo Rodríguez, student of the third Illustraciencia promotion, has been finalist for the third time in Illustraciencia.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2023/04/alfredo-rodriguez-hernani-martagon.html

10th Edition (2023). 1. Award in Cajal category

Maddi Astigarragak, laugarren promozioko ikasle ohiak Illustracienciako 10. edizioko Cajal kategoriako irabazlea izan da.

Ikusi: http://www.blog.illustraciencia.info/2023/04/maddi-astigarraga-bergara-diversidad.html

Berrria: https://www.mncn.csic.es/es/visita-el-mncn/exposiciones/illustraciencia-10


“A poster for PI Day” contest

The Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU and the Master of Scientific Illustration have organized the initiative "A poster for PI Day".

1st edition (2023). 1st award

Nuria González Santiago, a graduate student of the fourth graduating class, wins 1st prize in the 1st edition of the "A poster for PI Day" contest.

New: https://culturacientifica.com/2023/04/22/bcam-naukas-2023-fotografia-con-lente-matematica/

1st edition (2023). 2nd award

Laura Vazquez, student of the sesta promotion, wins the 2nd prize of the 1st edition of the contest "A poster for the PI day".

Come to our master's degree

Come to our master's degree

Are you ready to take your passion for science and art to the next level? Enroll in our Master in Scientific Illustration and discover how to become the next award winner in this exciting discipline! Enroll now and open the doors to a future full of creativity and recognition in scientific illustration.