Activities organized in collaboration with the IdeoLit research group:
[2024-11] International Conference on Contemporary Spanish Literature (VII). History, ideology and text in Spanish poetry of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

On 13 and 14 November, the International Conference on Contemporary Spanish Literature (VII) was held in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU, within the framework of the Research Project PID2022-138918NB-I00 of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, of which professors Juan José Lanz and Natalia Vara Ferrero are PIs.
[2024-10] Max Aub Conference

From Tuesday 15 to Wednesday 16 October 2024, the Alava Campus of the UPV/EHU will host the international conference "Max Aub: Testimony, commitment and imagination". Check out the full programme here.
[2024-10] Ramiro Pinilla International Congress "Here it all began"

The UPV/EHU, the University of Orléans, the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and the University of Rennes 2 in collaboration with the City Council of Getxo are organizing the Ramiro Pinilla International Conference: "Aquí Empieza todo" (It all began here) on October 23 and 24, 2024.
The objective of the conference is to remember one of the most important Basque writers in contemporary Spanish literature. "Aquí Empieza todo" (It all began here) is at the same time a link with the place from which we pay tribute to him, a seminal metaphor that is the mother of all stories, and finally a Chirene formula that translates his natural skepticism towards myths. During these two days, specialists will meet to delve into numerous aspects of his narrative work, which includes novels, detective novels and short stories, but space will also be given to the privileged relationship he maintained with cultural actors in the local sphere through the publishing house and magazine he founded, Libropueblo and Galea, as well as his regular presence in the Algorta workshop.
[2024-09] II International Congress of Young Researchers in Literature

The second edition of the International Congress of Young Researchers in Literature (JILEHU) will be held on September 25, 26 and 27, 2024 at the Faculty of Arts of Vitoria-Gasteiz. This second edition, entitled "How the cut makes blood": violence, word and betrayal in Hispanic literature, aims to deepen the knowledge of violence, its different realizations, its modes of application and its embodiment in the different Hispanic literatures. Three periods of our literary history are proposed as objects of study (Middle Ages, Golden Ages and Contemporary Literature) and two large geographical blocks that are, in addition, historical and political: peninsular Hispanic literature and Hispanic American literature.
[2024-02] I Symposium Fathers, mothers and other genealogies. Mother-child and father-child relationships in literature

On Friday, February 23, the Faculty of Letters hosted the I Symposium Fathers, Mothers and Other Genealogies. This symposium's main objective was to reflect on the different representations of mother-child and father-child relationships in literature and their different cultural expressions, understanding these relationships (or the absence of them) as a constitutive element of any identity.
The plenary conferences were given by distinguished experts:
- Alfredo Martínez Expósito (University of Melbourne): "Modulations of paternity from the literature of sexual diversity: genealogies, lineages, inheritances"
- Josep M. Armengol (University of Castilla-La Mancha): "Genealogies and queer temporalities in contemporary Spanish literature and cinema"
- Verónica Leuci (University of Mar del Plata - CONICET): "Motherhood and images of women(s) in postwar poetry: visions in counterpoint"
The symposium closed with a conversation between anthropologist Mari Luz Esteban and writer Karmele Jaio.
[2023-12] "Tú me quieres blanca", Elena Aranoa in concert

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the Faculty of Arts will host a concert-recital of women's poetry. It is an event in which the singer Elena Aranoa (Zarautz, 1964) will present her new album 'Tú me quieres blanca', an album of original songs created on poems by Spanish women of the generation of '27 as well as several Ibero-American poets. In addition, a group of students will read poems in Spanish and Basque.
[2023-09] Räume des Zusammenlebens in der deutschsprachigen und europäischen Literatur / Spaces of Coexistence in German and European Literature

From 28 to 29 September 2023, the sixth edition of the international conference "Spaces for coexistence in German and European literature" - VI. Internationale Tagung Räume des Zusammenlebens in der deutschsprachigen und europäischen Literatur - was organised at the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU.
[2022-11] International Conference on Contemporary Spanish Literature

From 2 to 4 November 2022, the sixth edition of the International Conference on Contemporary Spanish Literature: History, Ideology and Text in Spanish Poetry of the 20th and 21st Centuries was organised at the Faculty of Letters of the UPV/EHU.