Mireia Irazola Duñabeitia

Mireia Irazola Duñabeitia

Substitute Lecturer (LIU)

PhD in Chemistry
Faculty of Science & Technology

PhD in Chemistry (2016, UPV/EHU). In her research career, she has specialised mainly in three different fields. On the one hand, in Raman, SERS and FTIR imaging of biological and cultural heritage samples, on the other hand, in the analysis of pollutants in the environment (GC-MS and HPLC-HRMS) and finally in the metabolomics analysis of biological samples (NMR and HPLC-HRMS). Since I got my PhD, I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher and as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Chemistry in Donostia, at the School of Engineering in Bilbao and at the Faculty of Science and Technology in Leioa. Throughout my research career, I have contributed to the publication of 24 scientific articles in prestigious international journals and I have participated in the dissemination of the results obtained in international and national conferences. Regarding the dissemination of science for society, I have collaborated in the dissemination of the results obtained by giving talks/workshops at Scientific, Technology and Innovation week of Bilbao, we have a divulgation project and I am part of the divulgation group of PiE-UPV/EHU.