Julene Aramendia Gutiérrez

Julene Aramendia Gutiérrez

PhD Researcher María Zambrano

PhD in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr. Julene Aramendia is Researcher at UPV/EHU. She got her degree in Environmental Sciences in 2009. Then, in 2010 she got her Master degree in Environmental Pollution and Toxicology and in 2013 her doctoral degree in the same doctoral program. Her PhD was awarded with International Mention, Cum Laude and with the Doctorate Special Award reserved for the outstanding PhD in the UPV/EHU. Her postdoc career has been characterized by her formation in foreigner universities and research centers such as Universite de Pierre et Marie Curie, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech, Universita degli studi del Sannio and Aarhus University (Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies). Personal h-index 15 (Scopus), 51 research papers (Scopus), more than 120 Communications presented in Congresses. Most of the research contributions are related to research about Cultural Heritage assets, extraterrestrial materials and environmental issues. They are normally focused in the use of non-destructive analytical techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence. The use of portable devices is also part of her research. She is member of the Science Team of the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) in the ESA ExoMars2022 Mission and member of the Science Team of the SuperCam instrument (NASA Mars2020 Mission). She has supervised 3 Bachelor Degree Thesis; 5 Master Degree Thesis and 4 PhD.