Maitane Olivares Zabalandikoetxea

Maitane Olivares Zabalandikoetxea

Associate professor

PhD Chemistry (UPV/EHU)
Faculty of Science & Technology

Maitane Olivares Zabalandikoetxea, PhD in Chemistry (UPV/EHU, 2010). Since 2011, she has been part of the Analytical Chemistry Department as PhD Assistant Professor and, then (2017) as Associate professor. She is also member of the IBeA research group (Group of Excellence, G.V. 2022-2025).

During her predoctoral time, she worked in the development of analytical methodologies in the field of Archeology and Cultural Heritage. After that, her research lines were extended to the development and application of analytical methodologies for other fields such as environmental analysis and human health by means of: the development and application of target and non-target methods for the determination of organic micropollutants, passive sampling of emerging organic contaminants in water, and bioaccumulation and metabolomic studies. She has done a postdoctoral stay at the Stockholm University. She has authored more than 80 scientific publications in indexed international journals and she is co-author of a book on the academic-scientific field. She has supervised 4 PhD thesis and 10 master thesis from the Environmental Contamination and Toxicology master. She has also participated in 30 projects from different competitive calls.