Kepa Castro Ortiz de Pinedo

Kepa Castro Ortiz de Pinedo

Associate profesor

PhD Chemistry (UPV/EHU)
Faculty of Science & Technology

He obtained his Bachelor’s in Chemistry in 1999 and his PhD in Analytical Chemistry in 2004. Since 2016, He is associate professor at the UPV/EHU. Since 2004, he has held positions of responsability in more than 20 research projects, being even responsible of the Non-destructive Spectroscopy Laboratory (LASPEA) start-up at the SGIKer services from UPV/EHU. He has authored 127 articles about the study of the Cultural Heritage and Geochemistry. He has presented more than 250 communication and has given more than 30 talks at international conferences. He has co-supervised 9 PhD thesis and is currently co-supervising 2 more about Cultural Heritage and Geochemistry. He has been involved in teaching activities in both the UPV/EHU and Finland Universities (as guest professor). He has participated in several scientific expeditions to the archeological city of Pompeya and he is an expert in the handling of portable scientific instrumentation with several scientific works about in-situ geochemistry and cultural heritage. He participates in the NASA Mars2020 mission working on the SuperCam instrument. Although he likes his work, he prefers the mountain rather than working.