Dual M4 TORNADO (Bruker Nano Analytics)
This system has a Rh tube powered by a low- power HV generator cooled by air. The generator is able to operate between 10-50 kV and 100–600 mA. A poly-capillary optic is used to obtain a lateral (spatial) resolution down to 25 mm for Mo Ka-line (20 mm for some elements). Detection of fluorescence radiation is performed by an energy-dispersive SDD detector with 30 mm2 sensitive area and energy resolution of 142 eV for Mn Ka line. The system allows to work under vacuum conditions in order to improve the detection of lighter elements (Z<16). The instrument also implements several primary beam filters in order to absorb some energies in order to reduce the counts in the region of interest while producing a peak that is well suited to exciting the elements of interest. The most effective filter that can be used for this purpose is a 630 mm Al filter. For the focusing of the area under study, three camera systems will be used. One camera is in the door and allows an overview into the sample chamber like a fish eye and two further cameras allow a view perpendicular to the sample surface with different magnifications. Among these last two cameras, the low magnification displays an area of approx. 15 x 11 mm2 and the high magnification 1.5 x 1.1 mm2.