The TRACER 5g instrument implements a Rh thin window X-ray tube, whose maximum voltage is 50 kV, and a large active area 20 mm2 SDD detector with graphene window. This configuration allows achieving an energy resolution of 140 eV (FWHM of the Mn Kα line). The emitted X-ray beam can be collimated to 3 or 8 mm using an internal sample camera to identify exact measurement position. Additionally, it has an interactive touchscreen and an inbuilt VGA CMOS camera with storage capacity for up to 5 photos per essay. Operator controlled, 5 position primary beam filter wheel. There is a manual filter/secondary target slot for factory or user made filters can be used. By using air vacuum the elemental detection range goes from sodium to uranium. Using Helium, the detection goes from fluorine to uranium. The spectra are acquired and analyzed using the following software: Bruker Remote Control, Bruker Instrument Tools, Spectra EDX Launcher and Artax