- Study of parameters affecting the behaviour of trace elements in a polluted estuary. Canonical correlation analysis as a tool in environmental impact assessment Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2012; 119, 1 - 10
- Portable Raman study on the conservation state of four CorTen steel‐based sculptures by Eduardo Chillida impacted by urban atmospheres Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(8), 1111 - 1117
- A chemical and biological approach to phthalates contamination in two estuaries from the basque coast (Bay of Biscay): Levels, distribution and biomarker responses Phthalates: Chemical Properties, Impacts on Health and the Environment, 2012; 61 - 86
- Contaminants in estuaries in relation to human activities Estuaries: Classification, Ecology and Human Impacts, 2012; 137 - 168
- Applications of Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(11), 1523 - 1528
- Solid-phase extraction combined with large volume injection-programmable temperature vaporization–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the multiresidue determination of priority and emerging organic pollutants in wastewater Journal of Chromatography A, 2012; 1247, 104 - 117
- The use of SPMDs and implanted oysters for monitoring pahs and PCBs in an aquatic environment in the estuary of urdaibai (western Pyrenees)(Article) Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2012; 11(9), 1707 - 1714
- An important use of Raman spectroscopy to help understand the impact of traffic on roadside soils and plants Spectroscopy Europe, 2012; 24(5), 11 - 15
- Raman spectroscopy assisted with XRF and chemical simulation to assess the synergic impacts of guardrails and traffic pollutants on urban soils Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(10), 1498 - 1503
- Fireworks: Composition and chemistry through Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDS imaging Spectroscopy Europe, 2012; 24(3), 6 - 11
- Study of the intra-arterial distribution of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a model of colorectal neoplasm induced in rat liver by MRI and spectrometry International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012; 7, 2399 - 2410
- Extraction procedures for organic pollutants determination in water Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 2012; Volume 2: Remediation of Air and Water Pollution, 171 - 235
- Raman spectroscopic characterization of brick and mortars: The advantages of the non destructive and in situ analysis Brick and mortar research, 2012; 195
- Practical comparison of multivariate chemometric techniques for pattern recognition used in environmental monitoring Analytical Methods, 2012; 4(3), 676 - 684
- Long-term monitoring of trace elements in estuarine waters, a case study: The estuary of the nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (Bilbao, Basque country) Estuaries: Classification, Ecology and Human Impacts, 2012; 169 - 203
- Distribution and possible sources of trace elements in estuarine sediments: Comparative study among estuaries of the basque country and other parts of the world Trace Elements: Environmental Sources, Geochemistry and Human Health, 2012; 93 - 116
- Membrane-assisted solvent extraction coupled to large volume injection–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of a variety of endocrine disrupting compounds in environmental water samples Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012; 402, 2897 - 2907
- In situ Raman spectroscopy analysis combined with Raman and SEM‐EDS imaging to assess the conservation state of 16th century wall paintings Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(11), 1676 - 1684
- Identification of dyes and pigments by vibrational spectroscopy Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science, 2012; Chapter 7a, 383 - 399
- Field Raman analysis to diagnose the conservation state of excavated walls and wall paintings in the archaeological site of Pompeii (Italy) Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(11), 1747 - 1753
- Use of in situ and confocal Raman spectroscopy to study the nature and distribution of carotenoids in brown patinas from a deteriorated wall painting in Marcus Lucretius House (Pompeii) Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012; 402, 1529 - 1539
- The impact of environmental pollution on immovable cultural heritage: Decay mechanisms, products and analytical techniques to evaluate the impact Environmental Pollution and its Relation to Climate Change, 2012; 526 - 561
- Characterisation and diagnosis of the conservation state of cementitious materials exposed to the open air in XIX century lighthouses located on the coast of the Basque Country: ‘The case of Igueldo lighthouse, San Sebastian, North of Spain’ Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(11), 1630 - 1636
- Non-destructive crystal size determination in geological samples of archaeological use by means of infrared spectroscopy Talanta, 2012; 98, 172 - 177
- Optimization of comprehensive two-dimensional gas-chromatography (GC × GC) mass spectrometry for the determination of essential oils Talanta, 2012; 88, 145 - 151
- Quantitative analysis of essential oils from rosemary in virgin olive oil using Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(8), 1151 - 1156
- Raman analysis assessed by Fourier‐Transformed infrared and X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopies: a multi‐analytical approach of ancient chromolithographs from the 19th century Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(3), 411 - 418
- Membrane assisted solvent extraction coupled to large volume injection-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for trace analysis of synthetic musks in environmental water samples Journal of Chromatography A, 2012; 1227, 38 - 47
- Optimization of two methods based on ultrasound energy as alternative to European standards for soluble salts extraction from building materials Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012; 19(6), 1260 - 1265
- Multianalytical approaches to the characterisation of minerals associated with coals and the diagnosis of their potential risk by using combined instrumental microspectroscopic techniques and thermodynamic speciation Fuel, 2012; 94, 52 - 63
- Low-cost visible–near infrared sensor for on-line monitoring of fat and fatty acids content during the manufacturing process of the milk Food Chemistry, 2012; 135(4), 2756 - 2760
- Overview of extraction, clean-up and detection techniques for the determination of organic pollutants in sewage sludge: A review Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012; 736, 7 - 29
- Classification of glazed potteries from Christian and Muslim territories (Late Medieval Ages, IX–XIII centuries) by micro‐Raman spectroscopy Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2012; 43(11), 1811 - 1816