First publication date: 07/02/2021
Doctoral Thesis
7. Name: Unai Galicia García
Title: Unraveling the mechanisms of Statin-asociated development of Type 2 Diabetes: role of upregulation of microRNA-33 and microRNA-27b
Director: Cesar Martin Plagaro
Started: 2018 Presented: February 26 2021
Number of publications: 10
6. Name: Rosa Mª Mella López
Title: Tecnología Nomad: Desarrollo y caracterización de biosensores fluorescentes codificados genéticamente para su aplicación en ensayos celulares dirigidos al cribado a gran escala de ligandos de receptores tipo GPCR.
Directors: Cesar Martin Plagaro and Patricia Villace Lozano
Started: 2017 Presented: 2020
Number of publications: 4
5. Name: Asier Benito Vicente
Title: In vitro characterization of ldlr, pcsk9 and apob variants as a tool to understand molecular aspects of familial hypercholesterolemia and improving genetic diagnosis.
Directors: Helena Ostolaza Etxabe and Cesar Martin Plagaro
Started: 2015 Presented: 2018
Number of publications: 26
4. Name: David González Bullón
Title: Estudio del mecanismo de translocación y permeabilización de la toxina adenilato ciclasa de bordetella pertussis
Directors: Helena Ostolaza Etxabe and Cesar Martin Plagaro
Started: 2014 Presented: 2017
Number of publications: 10
3. Name: Asier Etxaniz Iriondo
Title: Bordetella pertussis-en adenilato ziklasa toxina: makrofagoetan eragindako mintz-iragazkortasun eta heriotz-zelularraren ikerketa.
Directors: Helena Ostolaza Etxabe and Cesar Martin Plagaro.
Started: 2014 Presented: 2017
Number of publications: 4
2. Name: Kepa Belloso Uribe
Title: Estudio del mecanismo de acción de la toxina adenilato ciclasa de bordetella pertussis.
Directors: Helena Ostolaza Etxabe and Cesar Martin Plagaro.
Started: 2009 Presented: 2013
Number of publications: 23
1. Name: Geraxane Gómez Bilbao
Title: Adenilato ciclasa de bordetella pertussisestudio de su interacción con membranas.
Directors: Helena Ostolaza Etxabe and Cesar Martin Plagaro.
Started: 2009 Presented: 2009
Number of publications: 3
3. Name: Shifa Jebari Benslaiman
Title: Use of reconstituted HDL in theranostics
Director: Cesar Martin Plagaro
Started: 2018 Presented: December 2021
Number of publications: 9
2. Name: Maitane Urien Berrio
Title: Desarrollo de biosensores para detectar microRNA biomarcadores de enfermedad cardiovascular en plasma.
Director: Cesar Martin Plagaro and Larraitz Añorga Gómez
Started: 2019 Presented: December 2023
Number of publications: 0
1. Name: Asier Larrea Sebal
Title: Reconstituted HDL as a tool to restore beta cell functionality in type 2 diabetes by microRNA delivery.
Director: Cesar Martin Plagaro
Started: January 2020 Presented: January 2024
Number of publications: 7