About the group

The Signal and Communications Group (GSC in the Spanish acronym) was created in 1990 alongside the Telecommunications Engineering studies of the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The group is currently composed of 9 researchers: 5 full time PhD teachers, 2 hired PhD researchers and 2 researchers that are pursuing the PhD degree. The GSC group was firstly recognized and funded as a Stable Research Group by the UPV/EHU in 2004. It has also been recognized and funded as a Consolidated Research Group by the Basque Government since 2007, currently within the A category (the highest one).
Our research area is the digital processing of low frequency signals, particularly in two domains:
- Digital processing of power line signals. The activity in this line is focused on the quality of the electric power supply system and wind turbines. It includes the assessment of harmonic and interharmonic components, the measurement of flicker produced by voltage fluctuations , the smart characterization of events from oscilographic records...
- Biomedical signal processing. The activity in this line is focused on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In this area, we process different biomedical signals: electrocardiogram; transthoracic impedance; force, acceleration, velocity and depth during chest compressions; capnography; pulse oximetry.