Congresses, conferences and seminars
Lecture on "Algunas reflexiones sobre la regulación de los contratos de crédito inmobiliario en España"
- Description: Lecture given by Dr. Sandra Castellanos Cámara at the I Conference "Una mirada joven al nuevo Derecho de Contratos"
- Date: 2024/10/24 - 2024/10/25
- Venue: Universidad de Cádiz
- More information: Click here for more information
Lecture on "El contrato de fianza de consumo: la protección del fiador consumidor"
- Description: Lecture given by Dr. Laura Sancho Martínez at the I Conference "Una mirada joven al nuevo Derecho de Contratos"
- Date: 2024/10/24 - 2024/10/25
- Venue: Universidad de Cádiz
- More information: Click here for more information
Civil Law Conference "Current and controversial issues in the field of guarantees".
2024/06/20 – 2024/06/21
- Description: In this Conference, result of the collaboration between the Autonomous Dean's Office of the Property, Mercantile and Movable Property Registrars of the Basque Country and the Consolidated Group of the Basque University System GIC IT1445-22 "Person, family and patrimony", an important panel of specialists on guarantee law will address a variety of highly debated contemporary issues on the subject.
- Directed by: Mr. Pablo Sánchez Lamelas (Property Registrar of the Basque Country. Territorial Dean) and Mr. Gorka Galicia Aizpurua (Full Professor of Civil Law. UPV/EHU).
- Funded by: Autonomous Dean's Office of the Registrars of the Basque Country; R+D+i Project MICIN/AEI 2020-119816GB-I00 "Las garantías personales en el ordenamiento civil español: claroscuros sustantivos y concursales", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Consolidated Group of the Basque University System GIC IT1445-22 "Person, family and patrimony".
- Date: 2024/06/20 – 2024/06/21
- Place: Autonomous Dean's Office of the Property, Mercantile and Movable Property Registrars of the Basque Country (Assembly Hall, Madariaga Avenue 24 - 3rd Floor, 48014 Bilbao)
Lecture on "Derecho transitorio, legítimas e interpretación testamentaria"
- Description: Lecture given by Dr. Gorka Galicia Aizpurua at the International Conference “Autonomía privada y disposiciones mortis causa”.
- Date: 2024/06/06
- Venue: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto
- More information: Click here for more information
Lecture on "El Derecho matrimonial inglés y la family provision"
- Description: Lecture given by Dr. Maitena Arakistain Arriola at the International Conference “Legítimas, libertad de testar y protección de la familia en el Derecho de Sucesiones”.
- Date: 2024/05/09
- Venue: Colegio Notarial de Andalucía, San Miguel St., 1, Sevilla
- More information: Click here for more information
Conference “Derechos humanos y autonomía privada”
2024-03-21, 16:00
- Description: Dr. Clara Asua González, Full Professor of Civil Law at the UPV/EHU, will give a lecture on "Human rights and private autonomy" as part of the XXVII Human Rights Course in Donostia/San Sebastián.
- Date: 2024/04/21 (16:00).
- Venue: David Kato Hall, Faculty of Law, UPV/EHU (Donostia/San Sebastián)
- More information: Click here for more information
Conference “Repensando el Derecho civil del futuro. Perspectiva del pacto comisorio y del pacto Marciano”
16-01-2024, 17:00
- Description: Dr. Gorka Galicia Aizpurua, Full Professor of Civil Law at the UPV/EHU and IP of the Consolidated Research Group “Person, family and patrimony” and of the R+D+i Project MICIN/AEI 2020-119816GB-I00, will give a lecture on “La fundamentación del pacto comisorio y el pacto marciano”.
- Date: 2024/01/16 (17:00).
- Venue: Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España, Príncipe de Vergara 70, 28006 Madrid.
- More information: Click here to watch the recording of the event
Conference in homage to Professor Jacinto Gil Rodríguez: “Una mirada a la situación actual de los derechos civiles autonómicos”
2023/11/30 - 2023/12/01
- Description: On 30 November and 1 December 2023, we will hold a conference in homage and remembrance of Prof. Jacinto Gil Rodríguez, under the title “Una mirada a la situación actual de los derechos civiles autonómicos”.
- Date: 2023/11/30 (16:00-19:45) – 2023/12/01 (9:00-13:00)
- Venue: David Kato Hall, Faculty of Law, UPV/EHU (Donostia/San Sebastián)
- More information: Click here for more information
Lecture on “La propiedad intelectual y su registro. En particular, la hipoteca de propiedad intelectual”
2023/10/06 (11:45)
- Description: Lecture given by Dr. Laura Sancho Martínez, researcher in the Consolidated Research Group "Person, family and patrimony" (GIC IT1445-22), at the International Conference “Artistas marginales: Propuestas de regulación jurídica para un colectivo olvidado”.
- Date: 06/10/2023/10/06 (11:45)
- Venue: Salón de Grados, Faculty of Law, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Course “Práctica Derecho Civil Vasco: aspectos familiares, sucesorios y fiscales” (5th ed. – 2023)
2023/05/04 – 2023/06/22, Thursdays 16:00 – 20:00
- Description: UPV/EHU 2023 University Extension Course - Collaboration of the Gipuzkoa Bar Association
- Date: 2023/05/04 – 2023/06/22 (Thursdays, 16:00 – 20:00)
- Pre-registration deadline: 04/03/2023 - 04/25/2023
- More information: Click here for more information
Conference “La contratación online: novedades a nivel europeo y español”
28/04/2023 (10:30 – 11:30)
- Descripción: Lecture given by Dr. Esther Arroyo I Amayuelas, Full Professor of Civil Law at the University of Barcelona and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Private Law.
- Organised by: Department of Business Law and Civil Law of the UPV/EHU; Consolidated Research Group GIC IT1445-22 "Person, Family and Heritage"; R&D&I Project MICIN/AEI 2020-119816GB-I00.
- Date: 4/28/2023 (10:30 - 11:30)
- Venue: David Kato Hall, Faculty of Law, UPV/EHU (Donostia/San Sebastián)
Seminar “Calificación registral y defensa de los consumidores”
2023/04/24, 16:00 – 18:00
- Description: The conference will be held by Dr. Clara I. Asua González, Professor of Civil Law at the UPV/EHU, who will speak on "Contratación con consumidores: condiciones generales y cláusulas abusivas", and Ms. Celia Mencía Criado, Property Registrar and Director of the Centre for Registry Studies of the Basque Country, who will speak on "Control preventivo de las cláusulas en los contratos de préstamo hipotecario".
- Organised by: Consolidated Research Group GIC IT1445-22 "Person, Family and Patrimony" and R+D+i Projects MICIN/AEI 2020-119816GB-I00 and DER2017-86292-P.
- In collaboration with: Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España.
- Date: 2023/04/24 (16:00 – 18:00)
- Venue: Classroom 2.6, Faculty of Law (Bizkaia Section) of the UPV/EHU (Bº Sarriena, s/n 48940 Leioa).