- Knowledge area
- Social Anthropology
- Department
- Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology
- Centre
- Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
- Electronic mail
Miren Guilló Arakistain is an anthropologist and professor in the Social Anthropology degree programme in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology (UPV/EHU). She holds a Phd in Feminist and Gender Studies with a thesis entitled: Hilekoaren politika eta kultura alternatiboen etnografia bat: genero-konfigurazioak, gorputz-ahalduntzea eta ezagutza kolektiboak [An ethnography of alternative menstruation politics and cultures: gender configurations, corporal empowerment and collective knowledge] (UPV/EHU, 2020). She has several publications related to her dissertation, and she also coordinated the book Festak, genero-harremanak eta feminismoa. Begirada teoriko eta antropologikoak, praktika sortzaileak eta plazeraren kudeaketa kolektiboak [Festivities, gender relations and feminism. Theoretical and anthropological perspectives, creative practices and collective management of pleasure] (UEU, 2017).
Her research interests are: Medical anthropology and health, social theory of the body and emotions, gender systems, feminist and corporal epistemologies, critical studies of science and biomedicine, collective processes of knowledge, agency and social change. She has done several research stays at foreign universities as UC Berkeley (2012), UC San Diego (2013) and at the research centre IRSA (Inštitut za razvojne in strateške analize) in Ljubljana (2014). She is part of the AFIT Feminist Anthropology Research Group (UPV EHU), and participates in various research p