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Knowledge area
Financial Economics and Accounting
Financial Economics II (Business Economics and Marketing)
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail


She teaches in the area of financial management, Basque and Spanish language, in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. She has been coordinator of several subjects for 10 years and has directed approx. 40 final and master's degree projects. She has also participated in internal training programs in some entities such as Kutxabank.

She do an active work in teaching innovation programs, resulting in four Educational Innovation Projects, several communications in congresses and various publications in indexed journals. In the last call of the DOCENTIAZ program (evaluation of the teaching activity of lecturers), she got an Excellent score.


Research lines: training and performance in the management area (UMPI group), ethics in finance (ECRI group) and financial globalization (a line derived from the doctoral thesis). She has published more than 20 articles in scientific journals (18 indexed in SSCI or Scopus), has presented communications in more than 30 national and international congresses. The participation in 15 competitive research projects and 13 contracts contributed significantly to these publications.


She is currently the Director of Continuing Education of the UPV/EHU. Previously, she has been a Member of the Statutory Commission of Euskera, President of the Substitute Exchange Board, Member of the Faculty Board, co-director of the graduate course in Patrimony Management and Private Banking.

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