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English for Foreign Trade27543

Faculty of Economics and Business. Elcano Department
Bachelor's Degree in Business Management
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2532.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Pre-requirements: No knowledge of English for International Trade is required to attend this subject although in order to make the most out of it, students must have a minimum level of English equivalent to B1. No knowledge of Spanish is required even though the basic terms used will be translated into this language for all students to have the possibility to acquire the specialized terminology in both languages.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

+ Using the business terminology required to be able to communicate efficiently in an import-export environment.

+ Correctly interpreting the basic documents concerning import and export transactions so as to be able to carry out your professional duties in an efficient way.

+ Correctly completing the documents produced in import and export transactions.

+ Expressing orally in an intelligible way and correctly interpreting the most habitual import and export verbal messages.

+ Showing a favorable attitude regarding the learning and use of the specialized language required to efficiently carry out the most common import and export activities, making one’s best efforts to be able to communicate in a suitable way and, at the same time, to overcome the learning difficulties.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

UNIT 1. Introduction to International Trade terminology.

UNIT 2. Specialists operating in International Trade

UNIT 3. Basic documentation used in international trade transactions: commercial documents, dispatch documents, transport documents, etc.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 90
    • Asistencia a clase y participación activa (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Class attendance and active participation in the classroom will be assigned a 10% value out of 100%.

Besides, there will be two partial tests but in order to be entitled to sit for either of them, by the date the relevant test takes place, students must have at least an 80% attendance rate out of the total teaching hours given.

The first test will have a value ranging from 50% to 70% of the total final mark (i.e. 100%), depending on the material that has been covered by the date of the week prior to the test. That percentage and the date of the test will be duly notified to students in advance.

The second test will have a value ranging from 20% to 40% of the total final mark (i.e. 100%), depending on the value that has been assigned to the first test, and only those students that have passed the first test and have the 80% attendance rate by the exam date will be entitled to take it.

Both written tests will be divided into two parts. Taking into account that the first part of the exam is intended to assess the minimum knowledge required to acquire the necessary basic skills, students must obtain a minimum of 60% of the total mark to pass it and then be able to be assessed regarding their second part in which the student must obtain at least 50% of the total mark to pass.

In that second part, the minimum percentage to be obtained in order to be entitled to have the mark for class attendance rate and active classroom participation recorded will be 40%. Only in this latter case, the marks achieved in both tests will be added up to the marks for attendance and active participation, in which case the student will be exempt from taking the final exam on the official date published in the Faculty web-page.

Those students that wish to be assessed by means of the final assessment system, regardless of whether they have taken part in the continuous assessment system, are required to file with the lecturer in charge of the subject (i.e. José Castro Calvín) their waiver to the continuous assessment system, within a 9-week period, from the beginning of the academic term, pursuant to the Faculty academic calendar dates.

Those students who have applied for and do meet the requirements to sit for the final exam will be assessed by means of a final overall written exam that will take place on the official dates passed at the Faculty Board Meeting and published in the official web page of the Faculty and the mark that can be achieved shall be 100%. In order to pass this exam, students shall achieve in the first part a minimum of 60% of its maximum total and in the second part a minimum of 50% of its maximum total.

Since the final exam will, in all cases, have a value higher than 50%, the regulations in force provide that failing to sit for this exam will, for all purposes, be understood to be a waiver to be assessed and the final mark in the student academic record shall be “NOT ATTENDED”.


POSSIBILITY TO HAVE YOUR MARK ADJUSTED UPWARDS. The addition of the marks achieved in the 3 previous sections will make it possible for the students to be awarded a maximum mark of 6.9 – (C++- Pass). In order to meet the requirements to take the oral exam, which will enable students to benefit from an upward adjustment of their mark and thus achieve the final mark of B, A or Distinction, the minimum mark to be obtained in the mixed assessment must be 6.5.

Please, take notice that the oral exam will, in no case, lower the mark students have achieved in the written exam.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Assessment of the subject in the extraordinary examination session will be made exclusively by means of the final exam system. Please, take notice that the marks achieved by means of the on-going examination system shall not be added up and taken into account at this extraordinary examination session.

In order to pass the written exam at this extraordinary examination session, students must achieve at least 60% of the total of its first part and 50% of the second one.

The mark achieved at the written exam will entitle students to achieve a maximum mark of 6.9 out of 10 (C++- Pass). In order to be able to take the selective oral exam, students must achieve a minimum mark of 6.5 in the written exam, which will allow them to have their final mark adjusted upwards and then have the option to be awarded a mark of B, A or Distinction.

Please, take notice that the oral exam will, in no case, lower the mark you have achieved in the written exam.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Students must attend classes with the relevant teaching dossier which includes the teaching material designed by the lecturer, Mr. José Castro Calvín, which may be purchased at the Faculty Photocopying Centre placed at the basement - Elcano.

Castro, J. (2021-2022). “English for International Trade Class Dossier / Dossier de Inglés para el Comercio Internacional”-First Semester / Primer Semestre. UPV-EHU.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Castro, J. (2021-2022). “English for International Trade Class Dossier / Dossier de Inglés para el Comercio Internacional”-First Semester / Primer Semestre. UPV-EHU.

In-depth bibliography

+ Alcaraz, E., Castro, J. (2007) Diccionario de Comercio Internacional. Barcelona: Ariel S.A.
+ Alcaraz, E., Hugues, B. (1997) Diccionario de términos económicos, financieros y comerciales Inglés-Español Spanish-
English. Barcelona: Ariel S.A.
+ Emmerson, P. (2002) Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: MacMillan.


Web addresses

+ UK Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment - http://www.detini.gov.uk/
+ US Department of Commerce - http://www.commerce.gov/
+ Australia Department of Commerce - http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/index.htm
+ Canada - Foreign Affairs and International Trade - http://www.international.gc.ca/international/index.aspx?view=d

GroupsToggle Navigation

66 Teórico (English - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:00-18:00 (1)


15:00-17:00 (2)

Teaching staff


  • January : 13-01-2025 00:00
  • May : 09-05-2025 00:00



66 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (English - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


17:00-18:00 (1)


15:00-18:00 (2)

Teaching staff


  • January : 13-01-2025 00:00
  • May : 09-05-2025 00:00
