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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Physical Education and Sports
Physical and Sport Education
Faculty of Education and Sport
Electronic mail

Physical Activity and Sports Sciences degree (2012) and Ph.D (2019) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), Nutrition and Health master degree (2013, UPV / EHU), Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education master degree (2018, VIU). Thesis title, Effects of different aerobic exercise programs with nutritional intervention in overweight/obese adults with primary hypertension: the EXERDIET-HTA study . Physical activity and Sports undergraduate program teaching at UPV/EHU: Physical Activity for the Health of the Elderly, Design of Exercise Programs for Health and Nutrition for Health. Teacher training undergraduate program teaching at MU-HUEZI: education II, tutor and practicum II; physical education, health and well-being; child development and motor skills; research in physical education; physical and didactic education; practicum IV. Master degree teaching at UPV / EHU Nutrition and health. Professor of University Specialist in Exercise and Healthy Lifestyles postgraduate degree (UPV / EHU). Contracted by the Basque foundation of innovation and health research BIOEF, for the research project entitled bipolar disorder, lifestyle and oxidative stress (2019). Research stays: University of Gloucestershire (2016, UK) and University of Birmingham (2017, UK). LAKET Group (Life Active, Keep Exercising & Training).