XSL Content

Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • Acquiring a basic scientific training in physical exercise and sports in their various manifestations.
  • Applying anatomical, physiological, biomechanical, behavioural and social principles to different fields of physical exercise and sports.
  • Assessing physical fitness and prescribing physical exercise with a view to improving health.
  • Designing, developing and assessing teaching/learning processes concerned with physical exercise and sports, paying attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of persons.
  • Identifying the health risks inherent in the taking of unsuitable physical exercise.
  • Learning about and understanding the anatomical, physiological, biomechanical, behavioural and social factors that condition the carrying out of physical exercise and sports.
  • Learning about and understanding the basics of sport.
  • Learning about and understanding the basics, structures and functions of the abilities and patterns of human movement.
  • Learning about and understanding the effects of physical exercise and sports on the human organism in physical, psychological and social terms.
  • Learning about and understanding the purpose of studying CCAFD (PE and Sport Science): Physical exercise and sport in all areas of human movement.
  • Learning about and understanding the structure and function of the various manifestations of human movement.
  • Managing sports-related organisations, bodies and facilities.
  • Planning, developing and monitoring the process of training at different levels.
  • Planning, organising, directing and monitoring programmes of physical exercise, sports and recreational activities.
  • Promoting and assessing the teaching of lasting, self-directed habits involving the taking of physical exercise and the playing of sports.