Registration and fees

Registration and fees

If your proposal has been accepted, it is now time to register

Early-bird fees will be as follows:

  • Members of AIETI: 190€. 
  • Non-members: 220€.
  • Attendants (non-presenters): 80€.
As you can see, it is worth it that you become a member of AIETI before you register for the conference. You can do that here.

If you are a student and you are presenting a paper, you are entitled to a reduction on your fee. This will amount for 30% of discount on your selected fee (depending if you are a member of AIETI, the status of your membership and the date of registration).

In the table below we remind you of the fees:

    Until 8 May
Members General 190€
Reduced 133€
Non-members General 220€
Reduced 154€


The general registration deadline is 8th May 2024.

Registration fees include conference attendance, conference pack, certificate, coffee breaks and lunch vouchers.

For the registration to be considered completed, you must attach to the registration form (below) a copy of the corresponding deposit to the following bank account:

  • Account holder: Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Beneficiary bank: Kutxabank
  • IBAN: ES46 2095 0292 98 3239000486
  • Concept: AIETI + Surname of the registered person

Unfortunately, no refund of fees will be granted in the event that a registered participant cannot finally attend the conference.

Remember that paper co-authors not attending the conference will have to register to receive a certificate of participation.

In addition, we would like to remind you that we have reached an agreement with the prestigious publishing house Comares to publish a selection of the papers presented at AIETI XI in one or several volumes.
