INTERREG Cooperation programme

TRANSFRON3D: Upgrading Of Opaque Pet into Innovative Materials

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Specific programme: Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Interreg POCTEFA)
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Aitzol Lamikiz
Project start: 01/06/2016
Project end:   31/05/2019

Brief description: The main objective of the project is to make the different technological centres, universities, big companies and PMEs on both sides of the border collaborate together, with the aim of producing high value-added parts through additive manufacturing processes. These technologies are still at an early stage of development, and require multidisciplinary know-how in materials, simulation, manufacturing processes, characterization, etc.

At the moment, the knowledge of each area of specialization is different between the different companies of the consortium. Joint efforts are needed to meet this new challenge, so that the cross-border area POCTEFA has a competitive offer of additive manufacturing technologies. The project will approach various aspects related to these processes. Results such as optimized parts design, process improvement, and parts validation will be obtained at the end of the project. This approach represents a radical change in working methods and manufacturing technologies. It offers advantages such as the drastic reduction of used raw material, design flexibility and reduced delivery time.

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