INTERREG Cooperation programme

REPLIM: Network of Observatories on Ecosystems (Lakes, bogs) Sensitive to Climatic Change in the Pyrenees.


Specific programme: Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Interreg POCTEFA)
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Alberto de Diego
Project start: 01/07/2016
Project end:   30/06/2019

Brief description: REPLIM is a network of scientific centers and managers specialised in the dynamics of high mountain lakes and peatbogs and their relationship with Climate Change (CC). Pyrenean lakes and peatbogs are iconic elements of our landscape, and vulnerable to recent climate change. REPLIM will implement a Pyrenean network of observatories of lakes and peatbogs designed to undertake the challenge of evaluating the CC impact on the high altitude areas and to provide robust scientific data to develop policies of mitigation and adaptation.
The project aims to enhance the cooperation between the beneficiaries (scientific centers) and the associated stakeholders (managers, citizenship) of all the Pyrenean territories in order to jointly launch and maintain the REPLIM network.
The Project will characterise the CC at both local (territories) and regional (Pyrenees) scales, reconstruct the past changes, document the present trends and model the foreseable future impacts. REPLIM will also increase awareness among the stakeholders, and the citizenship about the special relationship between CC, the mountains and these sensitive ecosystems, REPLIM will contribute to develop and implement the strategy and action plan of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change (OPCC). It will armonise the CC indicators and help to define an strategy of management integrated with the socio-economic development of the Pyrenees.

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