Sortarazi - Claretian Association for Human Development


Sortarazi is a non profit organization born in Bilbao 1995. It is devoted to the human development of those women and men that are currently at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Biskay (Basque Country)

The Sortarazi mission began in San Francisco neighbourhood, in Bilbao, thanks to the presence of the Claretian Missionaries. Later on, also expanded to the Lamiako neighbourhood, in Leioa, where a second Religious and Claretian Community is located in Biskay.

Our objectives are in the ground of the underprivileged people: "the human promotion of alineated people, the Peace and Justice promotion and the development of people in depressed areas" among others. We focus on people that are no supported by other resources, with urgent need for help.

Our tasks are adapted to other people needs according to the new resources available.

Social Integration Programs

  • Social Accompaniment Programme Hazia

With this program , we aim to help individuals and families improve their personal, family and social situation so that they could improve their chances of social inclusion.

  • Basic and Occupational Training

One of the Sortarazi programs related to the work´ insertion is the offering of basic - pre-employment and vocational training, with the aim that the participants could consider training as a means of changing exclusion habits into social inclusion habits and  social belonging.

  • Career Guidance

We are collaborating Lanbide center for career counseling. We offer individual counseling sessions and working groups organized around new technologies, searching for employment, development of CV development and introduction letters, job interviews, etc.

  • Center for Social Inclusion ARGITU

The services offered by the Centre for Social Inclusion Argitu are shelter, laundry, food; active listening ; occupational activities (among other, clothes, art therapy , wood).

  • Center for Social Inclusion ITZALA

The purpose of this program is the beginning of a journey of social inclusion through various activities (occupational, recreational and educational) of those who are disadvantaged in order to favor its standard input in insertion circuits.


Since the beginning of this program, in 1996 , a series of activities were carried out with neighborhood kids (from 6-12 years). Our work is focused mainly on weekends doing socio educational activities with children in their leisure time, working with them on social skills that could improve their integration. We also try to promote sports in the area.