International Scientific Committee
(alphabetically ordered)
- Albanese, Antonio. Doctoral School on Agro-food System. Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Piacenza (Italy)
- Alemanno, Alberto. Jean Monnet Professor. École de Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC). Paris (France)..
- Anthony, Raymond. Department of Philosophy. University of Alaska Anchorage. United States of América.
- Arroyo Aparicio, Alicia. Commercial Law. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid.
- Belisle, José. Department of Political Law. National University of Cordoba. Argentina.
- Castro Jover, Adoración. Ecclesiastical Law. University of the Basque Country.
- De Sadeleer, Nicolas. Jean Monnet Chair. EU Law, Comparative Law, Environmental & Health Law. Saint-Louis University. Brussels (Belgium).
- De Tavernier, Johan. Center for Science, Technology and Ethics. Catholic University of Leuven. Belgium.
- De Renobales Scheifler, Mertxe. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of the Basque Country.
- Dias Simoes, Fernando. Faculty of Law. University of Macau, China.
- Escajedo San-Epifanio, Leire. Constitutional Law and History of the Political Thought. University of the Basque Country.
- Esquinas Alcázar, José. Agronomy Engineer. Former President of the Agricultural and Food Ethics Commitee at the FAO (1999-2007). Spain.
- Ferrero, Mariano. Consultant. Senate of Chile.
- Filibi Lopez, Igor. Dept. International Relations. University of the Basque Country.
- Gjerris, Mickey. Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
- González-Vaqué, Luis. Lawyer. China-European Union Food Law Working Party. He served at the FAO and the EU Commission.
- Guyonnet, Vincent. Scientific advisor for the International Egg Commission and technical advisor for the International Egg Fundation.
- Jelencovic, Aline. Physical Antropology. University of the Basque Country. And Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki (Finland).
- Kaiser, Matthias. Centre for the Study of Sciences and Humanities. University of Bergen (Norway).
- López Basaguren, Alberto. Constitutional Law. University of the Basque Country (Spain).
- Merino Mestre, Maria. Applied Mathematics. Faculty of Science and Technology. University of the Basque Country.
- Montiel, Luis Enrique Concepción. University of Baja California. México.
- Millar, Kate. Directora of the Center for Applied Bioethics. University of Nottingham. United Kingdom.
- Pérez Rodrigo, Carmen. President of the Spanish Society for Community Nutrition. Spain.
- Potthast, Thomas. Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften. University of Tübingen. Germany.
- Poveda, Alaitz. Physical Anthropology, University of the Basque Country. Department of Clinical Sciences, Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Unit. Lund University, Sweden.
- Rebato Ochoa, Esther. Physical Anthropology University of the Basque Country. Former President of the European Anthropological Association.
- Reddy, Pakki. Executive Director of the AgriBiotech Foundation. ANG Ranga Agriculture University. Hyderabad (India).
- Rocandio de Pablo, Ana. Bromatology and Human Nutrition. University of the Basque Country.
- Röcklinsberg, Helena. Department of Animal Environment and Health. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweeden).
- Rubino, Vito. Environmental Sciences. University Avogadro (UPO). Alessandria. Italy.
- Suñén Pardo, Ester. Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology. University of the Basque Country.
- Van der Meulen, Bernd. Law and Governance. European Institute of Food Law. University of Wageningen. (Netherlands).