
Energy systems in buildings


Along these years, ENEDI has developed its research lines on thermal and hygrothermal behaviour of building envelopes. Alongside to its research activity and as result of the collaboration between the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and the Basque Government, from the Thermal Area of the Laboratory for the Quality Control in Buildings (LCCE), ENEDI has made for companies in the construction sector numerous normative tests for thermal characterization of materials and other construction elements.

There is no doubt that, in order to get a reduction in the energy use of energy in buildings and a progressive implementation of renewable energies, it is necessary to deal with thermal installations. Therefore, in year 2010,  EnediSYST was created.

EnediSYST deals with the design, simulation and experimental evaluation of active systems for the thermal conditioning of buildings. Any kind of heating, domestic hot water and refrigeration installation are considered, along with the integration of different domestic technologies such as boilers, heat pumps, thermal solar systems, micro-cogeneration, etc.

The main activities of EnediSYST are focused on the experimental characterization of energy conversion systems and its modelling for the subsequent development of advanced operation strategies.


  • It has a novel experimental real-scale test bench which offers the possibility of testing, independently of jointly, different thermal production technologies under real operation conditions. This installation allows getting the operation data of different equipments that can be tested under very realistic operation conditions. This fact adds high flexibility to the different scenarios dealing with all the factors that determine the real operation of thermal plants.

Research Activities

The main research lines of EnediSYST are the flollowing:

  • Steady and dynamic characterization of thermal production equipment by experimental analysis.
  • Development of individual and integral models for the simulation of thermal plants in domestic applications and small tertiary sector.
  • Optimal sizing of thermal production plants.
  • Development of operative and control strategies of the optimal operation of these kind of installations by advanced control techniques.
  • Experimental analysis of the operation and integration of micro-cogeneration units in the residential sector.
  • Application of Thermoeconomics in the sizing and operation of the thermal production systems and their operation within the installation.
  • Optimal sizing of thermal energy storage systems based both on hot water and Phase Change Materials (PCMs).

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