Beñat Garaio

Beñat Garaio

Dept. of Linguistics and Basque Studies
Faculty of Arts (UPV/EHU)
Telephone:+34 655 71 94 16

He is a young sociolinguist who is currently doing his PhD under the supervision of Itziar Idiazabal and Leire Diaz de Gereñu. The title of his thesis is as follows: "Identification of the successful Multilingual Basque Schools: a double case study to explore the strengths of model D schools".

His career has focused on research on the revitalization and sociolinguistics of minority languages (he has about 50 presentations and 30 scientific publications) and has focused on organizing awareness and promotion activities in these two areas (such as “HIGA: Summit of Young Speakers of Minoritized Languages”, “Hitz Adina Mintzo” and “EuskarAbentura”).

He has won the Young Researchers Contest of the Sancho el Sabio Foundation and the best poster presentation at the IkerGazte 2 Humanities Congress, among others. During the 2014-2015 academic year, he earned an honors degree in the MA Language Support and Revitalization master from SOAS University in London.

As for teaching, in recent years he has taught classes in the “Expert Title in Strategies to Revitalize Languages” organized by Garabide Elkartea and in the “HIZNET Linguistic Planning” postgraduate course at the UPV/EHU.




Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat (2018). “Desgranando la ambigüedad del Partido Popular con los idiomas: un análisis extensivo de las prácticas discursivas del PP”, Revista internacional de los estudios vascos = Eusko ikaskuntzen nazioarteko aldizkaria = Revue internationale des ètudes basques = International journal on Basque studies, RIEV, 62(2), 261-290.

Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat (2018). "“La croada judicial d'Urquijote contra l'èuscar": "enemic" d'una sola cara?”, Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, 28, 11-31.

Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat (2018). “Learning from Each Other in Language Revitalization: A Chronicle of Two New Different Initiatives on Linguistic Diversity in Gasteiz, Basque Country”, Pannoniana: Časopis za humanističke znanosti, 2(1-2), 9-30.

Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat (2017). “¿Y cómo llamamos a nuestra hija?: sobre la proliferación de nombres de origen vasco en jóvenes no residentes en la CAV y Navarra.”, Sancho el sabio: Revista de cultura e investigación vasca, 40, 57-91.

Garaio Mendizabal, Beñat (2015). “Hizkuntza gutxituen bizi-indarra neurtzen duten eskalak aztertzen: euskararen eskala bat osatzeko proposamenak”, Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 97, 169-202.