
In press


Berasategi, A., Larrañaga, N., Garcia, I. &  Azurmendi (In press) Kulturarteko harremanak bigarren hezkuntzan: ikasle etorkin eta bertakoen akulturazio orientazioak. Tantak.

Ceberio, Klara; Aduriz, Itziar; Diaz de Ilarraza  Arantza & Garcia-Azkoaga Ines M. (in press). Anaphora in Basque: An analysis of three textual genres written by 11 year-old children. In I. Zulaika (Ed.) Reference and Anaphora in Iberian Languages. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.

Ezeizabarrena, M.J. & Iraola, M. (In press) "Child bilingualism in the Basque Country: a nature and nurture fact". In Pere Joan Tous, Georg A. Kaiser & Mari Jose Olaziregi (eds.). Baskische Kultur und politischer Konflikt. KUL TUR Forschung und Wissenschaft. Vol. 18, ISBN 978-3-643-11748-9.

Ezeizabarrena, M.J. (In press), "The effect of relative linguistic input in the production of overt case and argument-verb agreement in child Basque". In P. Larrañaga & J. Barnes (eds). Special Issue on The effect of input in the acquisition of Basque in a multilingual setting. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.

Ezeizabarrena, M.J. (in press), "The effect of relative linguistic input in the production of overt case and argument-verb agreement in child Basque". In P. Larrañaga (ed.), Special Issue on The effect of input in the acquisition of Basque in a multilingual setting. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.

Ezeizabarrena, M.J.; Garcia, I.; Almgren, M. & Barreña, A. (in press), "Diferencias individuales en el desarrollo léxico de bilingües simultáneos tempranos euskera-castellano".  En C. Rojas (ed.) Diferencias individuales en la adquisición del lenguaje. México.

Idiazabal, I., Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (In press) El valor del euskera hoy: perspectiva de los vascos castellanohablantes In G. Kaiser & P. Tous (Ed.) Actas Simposio "El Conflicto Vasco". Konstanze 2012.

Larraza, S. & Best, C. T. (in press). Differences in phonetic-to-lexical perceptual mapping of L1 and L2 regional accents. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. In press

Munarriz, A. (in press) "Hizkuntzak burmuin elebidunean; zer erakusten du gaztelania-euskara elebidun afasiko baten kasu-azterketak?". Ekaia.

Puidgevall, M., Walsh, J., Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A (In press) New speakers and linguistic mudes: becoming, passing and belonging. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

Urla, J., Amorrortu, E., Ortega, A. & Goirigolzarri, J. (In pres) "Basque Standardization and the New Speaker: Political Praxis and the Shifting Dynamics of Authority and Value". In P.M.J. Lane & J. Costa (eds). Standardizing Minority Languages: Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery. Routledge.