Titulo - Profesorado

Teaching staff

XSL Content


Zabala Rabadan, ArantzazuFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Segarra Echevarria, RafaelFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Saenz Herrero, MargaritaFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Guillen Cañas, VirginiaFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Gonzalez Torres, Miguel AngelFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Gonzalez Pinto Arrillaga, Ana MariaFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Erkoreka Gonzalez, LeireFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Eguiluz Urruchurtu, Jose IgnacioFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Catalan Alcantara, AnaFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Ballesteros Rodriguez, Francisco JavierFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Soria Gomez, Edgar JesusIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Sarria Arostegui, RafaelIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Reguero Acebal, LeireIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Ramos Uriarte, AlmudenaIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Puente Bustinza, NagoreIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Mendizabal Zubiaga, Juan LuisIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Guerricagoitia Marina, InmaculadaIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Grandes Moreno, Pedro RolandoIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Gomez Urquijo, Sonia MariaIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Elezgarai Gabantxo, IzaskunIntegrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience
Vandenbroeck ., KoenNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Tonnesen , JanNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Sierra Saavedra, AmandaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Sanchez Gomez, Maria VictoriaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Rodriguez-Antiguedad Zarranz, AlfredoNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Pineda Marti, Jose RamonNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Perez Samartin, Alberto LuisNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Perez Cerda, FernandoNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Peñagarikano Ahedo, OlgaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Pampliega Ormaetxea, OlatzNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Matute Almau, Carlos JoseNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Mato Santos, SusanaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Encinas Perez, Juan ManuelNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Domercq Garcia, MariaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Alloza Moral, IraideNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Alberdi Alfonso, Elena MariaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Zarranz Imirizaldu, Juan JoseNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Murueta-Goyena Larrañaga, AneNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Marti Masso, Jose FelixNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Lopez De Munain Arregui, Adolfo JoseNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Lafuente Sanchez, Jose VicenteNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Izagirre Otaegi, AndreaNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Gomez Esteban, Juan CarlosNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Garcia Del Caño, GontzalNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Bulnes Sesma, SusanaNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Buesa Sobera, ItxasoNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Bengoetxea Odriozola, HarkaitzNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Azkue Barrenetxea, Jon JatsuNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology


Tranque Gomez, PedroCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Pardal Fernandez, Jose ManuelCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Moncho Bogani, Jose ValerianoCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Lujan Miras, RafaelCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Juiz Gomez, Jose ManuelCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Jordan Bueso, JoaquinCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Gonzalez Barderas, Maria EugeniaCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Garcia Ovejero, DanielCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Fuentes Santamaria, VeronicaCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Fernandez Fernandez, MiriamCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
De Castro Soubriet, FernandoCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Clemente Lopez,DiegoCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Arevalo Martin, AngelCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Aguado Rubio, CarolinaCellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group
Rodriguez Moreno, AntonioDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Prado Moreno, AntonioDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Perez Villegas, Eva MariaDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Marquez Ruiz, JavierDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Lopez Ramos, Juan CarlosDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Leal Campanario, RocioDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Gruart Masso, AgnesDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Dominguez Del Toro, EduardoDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Delgado Garcia, Jose MariaDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Carrion Rodriguez, Angel. MDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Cantero Llorente, Jose LuisDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Atienza Ruiz, MercedesDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Arteta Arteta, Donaldo SegundoDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Armengol Butron De Mujica, Jose AngelDivision of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour
Basterreche Izaguirre, NievesFunctional Psychosis and Psychotherapy
Tomas Ferre, JosepHistology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN)
Santafe Martinez, ManuelHistology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN)
Lanuza Escolano, Maria AngelHistology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN)
Garcia Sancho, NeusHistology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN)
Fenoll I Brunet, RosaHistology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN)
Soria Lannes, Federico NicolasNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Rodriguez Arellano, Jose JulioNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Mazahir , HasanNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Martin Suarez, SorayaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Martin Muñoz, AbrahamNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Garcia Moreno, FernandoNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Eraña Lasagabaster, HasierNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
De Pitta , MaurizioNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Castilla Catrillon, JoaquinNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Capetillo Gonzalez De Zarate, EstibalizNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Blazquez Garcia, LoreaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Bengoa Vergniory, NoraNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Baleriola Gomez De Pablos, JimenaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Arranz Mendiguren, AmaiaNeurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Saenz Peña,Miren AmetsaNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Ruiz Martinez, JavierNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Rodriguez Oroz, Mari CruzNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Otaegui Bichot, DavidNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Moreno Izco, FerminNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Matheu Fernandez, AnderNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Martinez-Lage , PabloNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Gabilondo Cuellar, IñigoNeurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Robles Garcia, VeronicaNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)
Rivadulla Fernandez, CastoNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)
Pardo Vazquez, Jose LuisNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)
Cudeiro Mazaira, JavierNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)
Cordido Carballido, FernandoNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)
Arias Rodriguez, PabloNeuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom)