Cellular neurobiology group: Neurophysiology group. Neuropharmacology group. Neuroengineering group | - Cellular and circuital bases of epilepsy. Excitability control and synaptic plasticity modifications
- Cellular and molecular bases of memory and learning. Synaptic plasticity phenomena and their modifications in dementia (Alzheimer's disease), etc.
- Cellular and molecular bases of the physiology of the basal ganglia. Synaptic plasticity modifications in extra-pyramidal disorders such as Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, dyskinesias, etc.
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms for degeneration, adaptation and repair/regeneration in neurons deprived of synaptic inputs in models of deafness
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms for the adaptation of central auditory neurons to acoustic trauma
- Cellular and molecular pathways involved in neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinson, Huntington, Alzheimer and ischemia)
- Cellular and sub-cellular bases of the function of potassium channels and receptors for neurotransmitters in the auditory system
- Cellular and sub-cellular localization of ion channels in the central nervous system
- Cellular and sub-cellular localization of receptors for neurotransmitters in the central nervous system
- Cellular neurobiology. Synaptogenesis, mechanisms regulating synaptic activity and mechanisms for adaptation, remodelling and plasticity in the nervous system
- Cochlear mechanics, physiology of cochlear nuclei, cochlear implants
- Development of artificial implants for peripheral nerve regeneration
- Dissection of and search for new pharmalogical targets. Study of the action mechanisms of potential new neuro-protective drugs. Participation of mitochondria and second messengers in neuro-degenerative processes
- Participation of mitochondria and second messengers in neuro-degenerative processes
- Regeneration in the CNS: nuclear receptors
- Study of the action mechanisms of potential new neuro-protective drugs
- Sub-cellular bases which mediate the association and functional coupling between receptors for neurotransmitters and ion channels in the central nervous system
Division of Neurosciences. Laboratory of functional neurosciences. Neuroscience and Behaviour | - Early detection of Alzheimer's disease based on the combination of different markers
- Functional relationships between the physiology of sleep and memory consolidation processes
- Genesis and control of motor commands with special emphasis on the extra-ocular and facial motor systems
- Learning and memory processes in the ¿Drosophila melanogaster¿
- Magnetoreception in the ¿Drosophila melanogaster¿: physiology of the detection of magnetic fields and the effects that such fields may have on living organisms
- Molecular and cellular bases of neural plasticity. Molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with long-term neural plasticity
- Neural processes underlying learning and memory in awake animals. Neural substrates of appetitive and exploratory behaviours
- Oscillatory properties of the cerebral cortex
- Physiology of synaptic transmission
- Procedures for the phenotyping of mice and rats by means of the use of electrophysiological recording techniques
- Role of the cortical (pre-frontal, pre-motor, motor, hippocampal), sub-cortical (striatum, amygdala, red nucleus, brainstem motor centres) and cerebellar structures in the acquisition of associative learning tasks
- Underlying brain mechanisms in memory processes and their deterioration
Functional Psychosis and Psychotherapy | - Psychiatry
- Psychosis, Personality Disorders, Child and Juvenile Mental Health
- Psychotic disorders: clinical epidemiology and neuro-cognition
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
Histology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN) | - Cellular neurobiology. Synaptogenesis, mechanisms regulating synaptic activity and mechanisms for adaptation, remodelling and plasticity in the nervous system
Integrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience | - Endocannabinoid system in a healthy and diseased brain
- Expression of factors preventing post-lesion regeneration of nerve connections by means of the application of small inhibitory molecules such as siRNAs and antagomirs
- Neural and connective organization of the cerebral cloister of mammals
- Recovery of the visual function in partial retinal lesions and experimental amblyopia models
- Study of the innervation of the axonal segment of the main neurons of the cerebral cortex
- Techniques for slow release of neuroactive substances incorporated into nanoparticles of biodegradable plastic materials for application in the central nervous system
Neurogenesis, Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection | - Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Microglial phagocytosis in the adult hippocampus in health and disease
- Multiple sclerosis genetics
- Neural stem cells and neurogenesis in aging and epilepsy
- Neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
- Stroke biomarkers
Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology | - Cerebral microvasculature: a study of its structure and function, the mechanisms involved in its maintenance, regulation, development, and plasticity in physiological and pathological conditions
- Neurobiology of pain
- Parkinson's disease and other Parkinsonisms / Dementias / Prion Diseases / Dysautonomia / Drug-resistant Epilepsies
- Participation of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System in Neural Differentiation
Neuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom) | - Neurophysiological mechanisms involved in the sleep-wake cycle and visual processing
- Non-pharmacological neurorehabilitation of motor control in adults and neurological patients
- Study of the mechanisms which guide visual attention and cortico-thalamic interactions