Titulo - Profesorado

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Urrutia Libarona, IñigoAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Morentin Campillo, BenitoAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Lozano Cutanda, BlancaAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Garro Carrera, EnaraAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Garcia Ureta, Agustin MariaAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Cubero Marcos, Jose IgnacioAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Bengoetxea Alkorta, AitorAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Barbero Gonzalez, IkerAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Arzoz Santisteban, XabierAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Arrese Iriondo, Maria NievesAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Arana Landin, SofiaAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Alvarez Rubio, Juan JoseAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga, IñakiAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Aberasturi Gorriño, UnaiAdministrative Law, Environment, Land Management and Human Rights (IT-859-13)
Varona Martinez, Gemma MariaCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Romeo Casabona, Carlos Maria Del PilarCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Nicolas Jimenez, Maria PilarCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Landa Gorostiza, Jon MirenaCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Esparza Leibar, IñakiCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Echeverria Bereciartua, EnekoCriminological Sciences and the European Union
De La Mata Barranco, Norberto JavierCriminological Sciences and the European Union
De La Cuesta Arzamendi, Jose LuisCriminological Sciences and the European Union
Ordeñana Guezuraga, IsuskoEuropean and comparative civil law
Landa Zapirain, Juan PabloEuropean and comparative civil law
Imaz Zubiaur, LeireEuropean and comparative civil law
Hualde Sanchez, Jose JavierEuropean and comparative civil law
Gil Rodriguez, JacintoEuropean and comparative civil law
Galicia Aizpurua, Gorka HoracioEuropean and comparative civil law
Fotinopulos Basurco, OlgaEuropean and comparative civil law
Emparanza Sobejano, AlbertoEuropean and comparative civil law
Asua Gonzalez, Clara IsabelEuropean and comparative civil law
Velazquez Gardeta, Juan ManuelEuropean and comparative public law
Ugartemendia Eceizabarrena, Juan IgnacioEuropean and comparative public law
Terradillos Ormaechea, Miren EdurneEuropean and comparative public law
Soroeta Liceras, Juan FranciscoEuropean and comparative public law
Saiz Garitaonandia, AlbertoEuropean and comparative public law
Orena Dominguez, AitorEuropean and comparative public law
Ochoa-Errarte Goicoechea, RosaEuropean and comparative public law
Merino Jara, IsaacEuropean and comparative public law
Magallon Elosegui, NereaEuropean and comparative public law
Jauregui Bereciartu, GurutzEuropean and comparative public law
Etxeberria Guridi, Jose FranciscoEuropean and comparative public law
Cobreros Mendazona, EduardoEuropean and comparative public law
Bengoetxea Caballero, Jose RamonEuropean and comparative public law
Altzelai Uliondo, Miren IgoneEuropean and comparative public law


Rueda Martin, Mª AngelesCriminological Sciences and the European Union