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Applied Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology
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Dr. Joxemi Campillo is a senior researcher of the Science and Technology Faculty (UPV/EHU) in Basque Country. He obtained his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics in 2011, working in ab initio simulations of positrons (supervisor: Prof. F. Plazaola). During 20 years, he has been teaching and researching in an engineering faculty (1998-2018), where he has developed a strong relation with different companies. Dr. Campillo has experience in the use of nuclear characterization technics, like positrons and neutrons. Moreover, last years, he has performed theoretical and experimental research in electrochemical storage devices (lithium batteries, supercapacitors, lead-acid batteries, etc). He is also researching in different heat transfer processes of industrial interest using finite element modelling. Dr. Campillo collaborates with different universities, research centres and companies around the world. He has more than 12 scientific publications in international journals. He has taken part in different international conferences. He has written many science divulgation works in Basque language. He is member of the Scientific Board of the “Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia” and “Ikergazte” conferences in Basque language.

More information: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jose_Campillo_Robles