Titulo - Profesorado

Teaching staff

XSL Content


Knowledge area
Teaching and School Organisation
School Didactics and Organization
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

He is a PhD who carried out a Teacher education (1997) Psicopedagogy (2000) and Psicopedagogical Intervention master degree studies. He started to work in non-formal education area, specifically, in leisure education, and later on, he worked in some secondary schools, preferentially, in different type of posts related with inclusion and diversity outreach (special education teacher).

From 2002 to 2008, he worked at the University of the Basque Country as an associated teacher. From this time on, he got a full time job at the same institution. In 2011, he became a permanent professor (Profesor Agregado / Irakasle Agregatua), and in 2018, he got the requirements to get a higher position (Profesor Pleno / Irakasle Osoa). He is a member of the “FISHENET Technology-education” research team from the beginning, and in 2018, he started to collaborate with the UNESCO Chair for Communication and Education in Values.

He works, mainly, in two areas: inclusion and, especially, technology education. Currently, his most important research line is about the use of digital technologies and social networks in childhood, adolescence and youth.