Titulo - Matrícula


Perfil Ingreso - Educacion Escuela Lengua y Sociedad

Admission criteria

Profile for admission

There are four main ways to access this Doctoral Programme: master's degrees in Education, a master's degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching, master's degrees in Social Sciences and Humanities, and other master's degrees or similar studies in different fields. There are three master's degrees offered at the UPV/EHU that are particularly linked to this field: Master's degree in Multilingualism and Education, Master's degree in Research in Socio-educational Fields, and Master's degree in Psychodidactics.

Students who have completed pre-doctoral studies from areas other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph may be admitted depending on their CV and on the prospects of their research project in the field of education being successful.

The recommended admission profile is of full-time students who have studied one of the master's degrees in the field of education, and who also show they are motivated to work on basic or applied research projects in this Doctoral Programme's lines of research.

XSL Content

The Doctoral Programme does not provide any specific complementary training. Students selected by the Academic Committee shall be deemed to be fully qualified for their training as researchers within the programme, ensuring a satisfactory acquisition of the intended skills.
Preference will be given to doctoral students who have postgraduate research training in the field of education. In this sense, the Masters degrees offered by the aforementioned Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences are the most relevant, although preference will be given to all masters degrees in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities provided that the CVs of the doctoral students show that they have an interest in the field of education. This interest may be assessed either through some scientific contribution of the candidates, or in a personal interview.





Matricula Procedimiento Asignacion - Común

Procedure for assigning a faculty member as a doctoral thesis tutor and director

Once a student has been accepted onto the doctoral programme, the Academic Commission will assign them a tutor and at least one director from among the faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) participating in the programme.

When a letter of endorsement is required from Doctoral Programme, director of the candidate will be the person indicated at the endorsement letter. No candidates will be accepted without endorsement letter, when it is required by doctoral programme.

Tutors are responsible for interactions between the doctoral candidate and the Academic Commission. They are also responsible for adapting training and research activities to the principles of the programmes and, where appropriate, the Doctoral School.

For more information, see the procedures and rules.