Order strains

The order for a strain is made through the request form, which is found after the service description. Once the form is completed, it must be sent to the BMCC.

Once the order has been received, the BMCC will contact the applicant to specify the use conditions of the service and to send a budget.

Requesting the service, the user accepts the current rates applicable in each case, these rules and terms of use of the BMCC, published in the FAQs section. In that section, you can also check the payment and shipping method.

In addition, there is available the MTA document necessary for the material transference.

Price for 1 strain (VAT and shipping not included):

  • For public institutions: 75 €
  • For private companies: 150 €

If you have any questions, contact the BMCC staff.


Inoculum supply


Although the BMCC strives to obtain a correct taxonomic identity of the strains, it does not guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class level. The user must always independently verify the taxonomic identity. In the case of misidentified strains, the user is requested to inform the BMCC.

Shipments to certain countries require an importation permit to ensure that the shipment will not be confiscated during transit. In this case, the official permission must be prepared by the user and sent to the BMCC.