In 2004 she graduated in Industrial Chemistry Technical in Federal Centre Education of Pelotas (CEFET-RS-BRAZIL). She studied Wood Industrial Engineering at the Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel, Brazil (August 2010). In July 2012, she finished her Master in Renewable Materials Engineering (UPV/EHU), with a scholarship obtained from the AUIP (Iberoamerican University Postgraduate Association). In December 2012, she graduated inTechnical Biofuels at the Federal Institute of Education (IF-SUL, Brazil). She conducted several stays in different international research centers (University of Applied Science Salzburg, Austria; Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil). In March 2013, the student obtained a PhD scholarship funded by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil) to do a PhD in Renewable Materials Engineering from the University of the Basque Country under the supervision of Dr. Jalel Labidi. In December 2014, she also completed her studies in Teacher Education for Higher Education Master with Skills in Teachers and Research in the UNED, Madrid.
During her predoctoral training, she specialized in the study of Biorefinery processes, including characterization techniques and precipitation of lignin from different industrial processes, such as Kraft and Organosolv. Within the applications of Biorefinery products she has investigated the usage of lignin as a preservative and anti-fungal compound for wood.
She has experience in the area of forest resources and products with emphasis on Biorefinery, wood chemistry, wood preservation and wood technology, following these topics: Getting, precipitation and characterization of lignin; obtaining products from lignin; chemical characterization of wood by instrumental and analytical techniques; Eucalyptus characterization; wood quality; physical and mechanical properties of wood; anatomical and macroscopic description of the timber.
As a member of the group "Wood Science" of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel, Brazil) and the group "Biorefinery processes" of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department of University of Basque Country, has participated in the development of nearly 10 research projects funded in both international and national competitive calls for government or public and private entities. She has also participated in 26 international scientific congresses and conferences. She was a member of the working group of (WG 1) the Committee of COST Action FP1006 "New Features for wood through modification of the surface" in the European Science Foundation.