

General rules of safety, hygiene and behaviour in the laboratory

1. Access

  • Any person who accesses the workshop is obliged to comply with the standards set out in this document.

  • The laboratory is available to ETSA students, professors, researchers and PAS staff.

  • Access is subject to authorization by the Laboratory Technician. Acceptance of these rules is required, with which you agree to comply with the issues raised below. To accept compliance with the regulations and confirm their reading and compression, the sheet provided with this document must be signed.

2. Installations

  • You have to familiarize yourself with the location of exits and evacuation routes, the fire extinction and the first aid elements of the laboratory.

  • You must inform yourself of the action instructions in case of emergency.

  • Do not work alone in the laboratory.

  • When working with machines, it cannot be left unsupervised.

  • The safety signalling of the workplace, informing about the existence of certain risks, obligations, prohibitions and emergencies, must be read and respected.

  • Keep safety signs always visible and in good condition. They cannot be covered under any circumstances.

  • Ask, in case of ignorance, the meaning of a safety signal before acting.

  • Keep the workplace clean and free of objects. Do not leave personal items on working areas.

  • When finishing the work in any of the working areas, it must be cleaned perfectly depositing the garbage and waste in the corresponding place.

  • The working table must be perfectly covered when using resins or adhesives.

  • Any process of applying paints and varnishes that produce vapours or degenerate the breathable environment inside the laboratory is prohibited, unless authorized exclusively by the Laboratory Technician.

  • Each user must take care that their objects and materials do not obstruct any of the doors, circulation areas, fire extinguishers or work areas.

3. Machinery and equipment

  • To make use of power tools it is essential to have received training on their use.

  • To make use of digital manufacturing machines it is essential to have completed the corresponding course for each machine (3D printer, laser cutter or cnc milling machine).

  • It is mandatory to request advice for the use of digital manufacturing machines until the level of user experience is sufficient to perform work without supervision.

  • The user will be responsible for the machinery or equipment she/he is using. If it fails to detect any failure, it is your obligation to notify immediately to the technical personnel.

  • It is forbidden to move machines, equipment or disable tables and work areas with any kind of objects.

  • To work with power tools, the following aspects must be taken:

    • Find out about the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to be used in the laboratory, before carrying out an activity or practice.

    • Use only PPE with “CE” marking.

    • Check the status of the PPE before using it, if any defect, anomaly or damage is detected, contact the technical personnel.

    • Keep PPE in good condition.

    • Ensure that shoes you are wearing are closed, sandals are not allowed.

    • Long hair should always be collected.

    • Avoid the use of accessories such as: bracelets, rings, necklaces, long earrings, scarves, headphones and any object that may cause some risk.

    • Do not wear contact lenses. They can cause eye damage in case of splashes or projection of particles.


4. Tools

  • Do not remove or use any tools outside the workshop without the authorization of the Laboratory Technician.

  • The tools are available for use, if you need a specific tool, contact the technical staff.

  • It is the user's obligation to check that the tool is in good condition, complete and functioning. If it is used while broken or in poor condition and the Laboratory Technician is not notified of the incident, it is understood that the person responsible is the last person to use it.

  • Each user will be responsible for all the tools they have used. In case of breakdown or loss, you should replace it as soon as possible.

  • The entire tool must be clean and in good condition and then stored in the same place where it was found, otherwise it will be considered lost.

  • The tool should be stored once used and cannot be taken out of the workshop for any reason unless authorized by the Laboratory Technician.

  • In case that a user return a broken tool, the Laboratory Technician will make an evaluation and determine if the cause of the breakdown was a mishandling of the tool. If so, it will be the user's responsibility to pay the cost of the repair.

5. Material

  • The laboratory does not provide any material. It is the user's responsibility to bring their own materials and consumables.

  • To store some work or material inside the workshop, authorization must be requested from the Laboratory Technician, otherwise, all the material and/or work will be thrown away or placed in the recycling material area.

6. Handling and disposal of toxic materials

  • The use of toxic substances in the laboratory is not allowed.

  • No toxic substances will be stored in the laboratory.

  • Definitions. Hazardous materials are considered all those chemicals, or their solutions that have any of the following characteristics:

    • All those with a flash point lower than 94 degrees Celsius, or those labelled as flammable or combustible, due to their ease of ignition.

    • Have a pH less than 5.5 or greater than 9.5 which are considered corrosive. As well as those labelled as corrosive, caustic or alkaline.

    • Have an ability to react at room temperature, classified as explosives, oxidants, reducers, which react with water and those that produce toxic vapours or gases.

7. General dispositions

  • Teachers whose subjects are taught in the workshop, totally or partially, are obliged to follow and respect current regulations. During class time the teacher will take the responsibilities of use and assignment of tools, as well as the handling of materials.

  • All users have to respect the instructions that the workshop technicians, teachers and students in general, make when detecting an oversight, improper use, lack of precaution or in general, any point mentioned in this document.

  • It is forbidden to enter the workshop to do anything other than work.

  • It is strictly forbidden to introduce and ingest food and drinks inside the workshop.

  • The use of audio devices including those for personal use is not allowed.

  • Do not run or walk fast or similar.

  • Respect the use of containers.

  • Leave the tables, floors, machines,…. clean of scraps at the end of work