Architecture has the ability to change, improve and facilitate individual's daily life, influencing habits, experiences and feelings. Therefore, architects have the objective of optimizing the habitability of land and open spaces, the people's mobility, and the quality of home, work and leisure places. To tackle this challenge, the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture will open you endless possibilities to act on your own environment, and to take part in its design and construction.
The University of the Basque Country is the only public institution in the region that offers the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture, which also allows you to further specialize by choosing one of the following itineraries: Innovation and Creative Research; Heritage; Restoration and Preservation; Urbanism, Landscape, and Territory
Once the Degree is completed, and after obtaining the Master in Architecture, you will be able of practicing as a licensed Architect or Urbanist, since you will be appropriately trained to create and write projects, including the design of constructive and technical processes and developments, based on energetic efficiency and sustainability.
Knowledge areas
Engineering and Architecture
5 courses
Number of credits
300 ECTS credits
Basque, English, Spanish
Study type
Face-to-face degree
Price per credit in first registration
18,29 €
Pass mark
8,854 in ordinary exam session (2024/25)
Places available
150 places

4 arrazoi gradu hau aukeratzeko
- Eraikinak proiektatzen eta hiriak planifikatzen ikasiko duzu, prestakuntza integrala jasoz; teknikoa, artistikoa eta humanistikoa.
- Irakasgaien % 50 baino gehiago ingelesez egin ahal izango duzu eta mugikortasun programak baliatu Europa, Asia eta Latinoamerikan.
- Praktikak egin ahal izango dituzu atzerrian, enpresa publiko eta pribatuetan eta ibilbide profesionalari ekin.
- Arkitekturako masterrera sartzeko aukera izango duzu, nahitaezkoa baita proiektuak arkitekto gisa sinatu ahal izateko.
Profile for admission
If you are a critical and creative person, have a wide range of interests, either humanistic, artistic or technical, and consider yourself skilled at structuring ideas and expressing them by graphic, oral, and written means, then the Degree of Fundamentals on Architecture is your place!

Career opportunity
Architecture studios, construction companies, public employment, teaching:
- Public service: city or town architect, heritage, cadastre
- Industrial design, fashion design
- Development of building and urbanization projects
- Restoration and rehabilitation of buildings
- Building construction direction
- Evaluation and control of social and enviromental impact
- Real state and heritage management
- Teaching at high school and university levels
- Urban planning, landscaping
- Safety and prevention of occupational risks