
Nowadays, the headquarters of Applied Photonics Group (APG) are located at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
APG Research Group is composed by 25 members, 20 Ph.D.s, 4 of them - J Zubia, MA Illaramendi, J Villatoro and D Novoa - are highly distinguished Professors at the UPV/EHU. The remaining 16 are full-time Associate and Assistant Professors at the UPV/EHU.
Currently APG Research Group has 5 Ph.D. students: G Zubia, J Grandes, A Castaño, A Mena, L Mescli and J Barata.
We also have yearly several undergrad and master students developing their final degree projects within our group.
One by one we present ourselves as follows:
Joseba Zubia

Title: Professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU)
Researcher on Liquid Crystals, POFs (active and passive) and Photonic Applications since 1989. Ph.D. since 1993.
Joseba Zubia was born in Barakaldo, Spain, in 1965. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. He received a special award for the best thesis and the Euskoiker research award. Since 2001 he is Professor within the Department of Communications Engineering, of the University of the Basque Country. He is the Director of the Applied Photonics Group, recognized as outstanding by Basque Science System. His research interest includes the development of fiber-optic sensors, fabrication of polymer optical fibers and quantum optics. In this field, he has collaborated with leading European, Japanese and U.S. researchers, and he has published over 150 articles in SCI-IF journals and contributed over 250 communications in scientific conferences.
Phone: +34 94601 4138
Current research activities
POFs, Fabrication of microstructured polymer optical fibres, Fiber Sensors and Photonic Applications.
Current teaching subjects
- Optical Communications-I
- Optical Communications-II
- Industrial Photonics
- Space Interferometry (Master on Science and Technology of Space)
- Research Methodology (Master degree on Telecommunications)
Asun Illarramendi

Title: Professor at the Department of Applied Physics (UPV/EHU)
Phone: +34 94601 4254
Current research activities
- Doped Polymer Optical Fibers: characterization, emission, fiber lasers, fiber amplifiers.
- Polymer Optical Fibers: characterization, properties, scattering.
Current teaching subjects
- Physics
- Physics Widening
- Space interferometry (Master on Science and Technology of Space)
Joel Villatoro

Title: Ikerbasque Research Professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU). P.hD. since 1999.
Research experience at UNAM and Centro de Investigaciones en Optica A. C.. (Mexico), Case Western Reserve University (USA), ICFO and University of Valencia (Spain), and Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (UK).
Phone: +34 94601 7277
Current research activities
Exploitation of the outstanding optical properties of nano-scale objects and the modal properties of photonic crystal fibres for sensor development. Applied Photonics. Development of photonic devices and prototypes.
- Multicore fiber sensors
- Plasmonic sensors
- Interferometric sensors
David Novoa

Title: Ikerbasque Research Professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU). Ph.D. since 2011.
Phone: +34 94601 4114
David Novoa was awarded with the Pre-doctoral grant “Maria Barbeito”, Post-doctoral contract at CLPU, Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Max-Planck Society, Post-doctoral Fellowship “Juan de la Cierva” (declined), Extraordinary PhD award from the University of Vigo, W2 Associate Research Professor and Group Leader at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light.
Previous research experience at the University of Vigo (Spain), Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Germany), Centro de Láseres Pulsados (Spain), Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Germany).
Now his work focuses on the science and applications of micro- and nano-structured optical fibre technology
Current research activities
- Nonlinear & Quantum photonics
- Fibre optics
- Ultrafast laser science
- Extreme light-matter interaction
- Machine learning
Jon Arrue

Title: Associate Professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU)
Researcher on POFs (active and passive) since 1993. Ph.D. since 1999.
Phone: +34 94601 4144
Current research activities
POFs doped with organic dopants to achieve efficient optical amplifiers and lasers.
Current teaching subjects
- Optical Communications-I
- Optical Communications-II
- Analysis of Circuits
Gotzon Aldabadetreku

Title: Associate professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU).
Researcher on POFs since 2000. PhD since 2006.
Phone: +34 94601 4177
Current research activities
Characterization and fabrication of polymer optical fibers and fiber-optic sensors.
Current teaching subjects
- Optical Communications-II
- Radiocommunications
- Electromagnetic fields
- Space interferometry (Master on Science and Technology of Space)
- Radio over fiber (Master in Mobile Network Information and Communication Technologies)
Gaizka Durana

Title: Associate professor at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU).
Researcher on POFs since 2000. Ph.D. since 2008.
Phone: +34 94601 4128
Current research activities
Fabrication of microstructured polymer optical fibres; design and development of new mPOF-based sensors.
Current teaching subjects
- Optical Communications-II
- Electromagnetic fields
- Space interferometry (Master on Science and Technology of Space)
- Radio over fiber (Master in Mobile Network Information and Communication Technologies)
Felipe Jimenez

Title: Associate Professor for the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). Ph.D. since 2000.
Phone: +34 94601 4167
Current research activities
Numerical simulation of light propagation in doped polymer optical fibers.
Current teaching subjects
- Numerical Analysis II
- Statistical Methods
- Advanced Numerical Methods
Iñaki Bikandi

Title: P.hD. Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Communications Engineering (UPV/EHU)
Researcher on POFs (active and passive) since 2008.
Phone: +34 94601 7342
Current research activities
POFs doped with organic dopants to achieve efficient optical amplifiers and lasers.
Current teaching subjects
- Telecommunication Networks and Services-II
- Architecture of Telecommunication Networks and Services
- Object Oriented Programming
Igor Ayesta

Title: Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). P.hD. since 2013.
Phone: +34 94601 4463
Current research activities
POFs doped with organic dopants to achieve efficient optical amplifiers and lasers.
Current teaching subjects
- Algebra
Amaia Berganza

Title: Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU)
Researcher on POFs since 2007. P.hD. since 2014.
Phone: +34 94601 4417
Current research activities
Multicore Plastic Optical Fibers
Current teaching subjects
- Calculus
- Algebra
Eneko Arrospide

Title: Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). P.hD. since 2019.
Phone: +34 94601 4420
Current research activities
Design, fabrication, and characterization of microstructured polymer optical fibers for data communications and sensing applications.
Current teaching subjects
- Algebra
María Begoña García Ramiro

Title: Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). P.hD. since 2009.
Phone: +34 94601 4406
Current research activities
Numerical simulation of light propagation in random lasers.
Current teaching subjects
- Algebra
- Operations Research
- Discrete Mathematics
Mikel Azkune

Title: Assistant Professor at Electronics Technology Department (UPV/EHU). Ph.D. since 2019.
Phone: +34 94301 8645
Current research activities
Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in microstructured optical fibers
Oskar Arrizabalaga

Title: Associate Professor at Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). Ph.D. since 2020.
Phone: +34 94601 4171
Current research activities
Theoretical and experimental study of polarisation in microstructured polymer fibres optics (mPOFs)
Current teaching subjects
- Advanced Mathematics
Josu Amorebieta

Title: Assistant professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU).
Researcher since 2015. Ph.D. since 2021.
Phone: +34 94601 4154
Current research activities
Fabrication and design of multicore optical fibres; design and validation of Structural Health Monitoring optical fiber-based sensors
Current teaching subjects
- Advanced Mathematics
Ander Zornoza

Title: Assistant professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU). Ph.D. since 2014.
Current research activities
Fiber optic sensors, Photonics, Monitoring in harsh environments
Phone: +34 94601 7789
Gorka Zubia

Title: Ph.D. candidate and Assistant Graduate Teacher at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (UPV/EHU).
Phone: +34 94601 4030
More info
Current research activities
Fiber Optical Sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, Physical parameters measurement, Machine Learning and Photonic Applications.
Former teaching subjects
- Electromagnetic Fields
- High Frequency Systems
- Optical Communications
Current teaching subjects
- Computer Science
- Digital Electronic Systems
Alain Castaño

Title: Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPV/EHU).
Phone: +34 94601 4087
Jon Grandes
Lucero Mescli
Jagoba Barata

Title: Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Applied Physics (UPV/EHU).
Phone: -