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Publications: Journals

  1. I. Aretxabaleta, E. Robles, J. Andreu, M. Fernandez, A. Matallana. “Ibilgailu elektrikoaren inbertsore trifasikoa: betiereko ezezaguna”. Elhuyar Aldizkaria. Vol. 354, pp. 80-85, 2024.

  2. A. Otero-Olavarrieta, A. Matallana, I. Martínez de Alegría, E. Ibarra, A. Arias, L. de Mallac, S. Pittet. “Hardware design of a high-current, high step-down ratio Series Capacitor Buck converter prototype for slow-ramped powering of High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider inner triplet superconducting electromagnets”. Applied Energy. Vol. 37, pp. 123730:1-19, 2024.

  3. J. Sanchez-Cubillo, J. Del Ser, J. L. Martin. “Toward Fully Automated Inspection of Critical Assets Supported by Autonomous Mobile Robots, Vision Sensors, and Artificial Intelligence”. Sensors. Vol. 24 (12), pp. 3721:1-28, 2024.

  4. I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Rozas Holgado, E. Ibarra, E. Robles, J. L. Martin. “Wireless Power Transfer for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles: Technologies, Challenges and Applications“. Energies. Vol. 17 (10), pp. 2305:1-35, 2024.

  5. S. Alonso, L. Muguira, J. I. Garate, C. Cuadrado, U. Bidarte. “Interrupt Latency Accurate Measurement in Multiprocessing Embedded Systems by Means of a Dedicated Circuit”. Electronics. Vol. 13 (9), pp. 1626:1-19, 2024.

  6. A. Davila, A. Otero, E. Planas, J. A. Cortajarena, A. Arias. “Novel electric arc current emulation system for low-voltage grids”. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. Vol. 53 (mayo), pp. 101682:1-10, 2024.

  7. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, J. Á. Araujo, J. Jiménez. “AXI Lite Redundant On-Chip Bus Interconnect for High Reliability Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Vol. 73 (1), pp. 602-607, 2024.

  8. E. Ibarra, A. Arias, V. Repecho, D. Biel, A. Sierra-Gonzalez, I. Kortabarria. “Control of electric drives with high switching frequency operation capabilities: envisioning future prospects – Control de accionamientos eléctricos con capacidad de operación a altas frecuencias de conmutación: perspectivas de futuro”. DYNA. Ingeniería e Industria. Vol. 99 (2), pp. 119 -121, 2024.

  9. A. Arteaga, L. Muguira, J. Jimenez, J. I. Garate, A. Astarloa. “A Survey on IEEE 1588 implementation for RISC-V low-power Embedded Devices”. Electronics. Vol. 13 (2), pp. 458:1-15, 2024.

  10. L. Sun, L. Muguira, J. Jiménez, J. Lázaro, W. Yong. “High Performance Platform to Detect Faults in the Smart Grid by Artificial Intelligence Inference”. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 15 (1), pp. 504-512, 2024.

  11. N. Arroyo-Lamas, U. Ugalde, I. Arteagoitia, M. Brito da Cruz, A. Mata, J.F. Marqués. “UVC irradiation on Titanium implants induced fibroblasts response and modulated interleukins patterns”. Clinical Oral Implant Research. Vol. 34 (S27), pp. 134, 2023.

  12. J. Á. Gumiel, J. Mabe, F. Burguera, J. Jiménez, J. Barruetabeña. “Next-Generation Pedal: Integration of Sensors in a Braking Pedal for a Full Brake-by-Wire System”. Sensors. Vol. 23 (14), pp. 6345:1-25, 2023.

  13. A. Sierra-González, P. Peschetto, F. Alvarez, B. Heritz, E. Trancho, H. Lacher, E. Ibarra, G. Pellegrino. “Full speed range control of a symmetrical dual three-phase automotive IPMSM drive with a cascaded DC-link capacitor configuration”. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 59 (3), pp. 3413-3424, 2023.

  14. N. Arandia, J. I. Garate, J. Mabe. “Medical Devices with Embedded Sensor Systems: Design and Development Methodology for Start-Ups. Sensors”. Vol. 23 (5), pp. 2578:1-30, 2023.

  15. M. Fernandez, E. Robles, I. Aretxabaleta, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, J. L. Martín. “A 3D Reduced Common Mode Voltage PWM Algorithm for a Five-Phase Six-Leg Inverter”. Machines. Vol. 11 (5), pp. 532:1-18, 2023.

  16. M. Fernandez, E. Robles, I. Aretxabaleta, I. Kortabarria, J. L. Martín. “Proposal of hybrid discontinuous PWM technique for five-phase inverters under open-phase fault operation”. Machines. Vol. 11 (3), pp. 404:1-13, 2023.

  17. A. DeMarcos, E. Robles, U. Ugalde, I. Martinez de Alegria, J. Andreu. “Interleaving Modulation Schemes in Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase Machines for the DC-Link Stress Reduction.”: Machines. Vol. 11 (2), pp. 267:1-31, 2023.

  18. J. Gómez-Cornejo, I. Aranzabal, I. López, A. J. Mazón, A. Zuloaga. “A New Methodology to Manage FPGA Distributed Memory Content via Bitstream for Xilinx ZYNQ Devices”. Electronics. Vol. 12 (1), pp. 102:1-17, 2023.

  19. N. Arandia, J. I. Garate, J. Mabe. “Embedded Sensor Systems in Medical Devices: Requisites and Challenges Ahead”. Sensors. Vol. 22 (24), pp. 9917:1-28, 2022.

  20. E. Robles, A. Matallana, I. Aretxabaleta, J. Andreu, M. Fernandez, J. L. Martín. “The role of power device technology in the electric vehicle powertrain”. International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 46 (15), pp. 22222–22265, 2022.

  21. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, L. Muguira, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez. “Encryption AXI Transaction Core for Enhanced FPGA Security”. Electronics. Vol. 11 (20), pp. 3361:1-13, 2022.

  22. B. Arejita, J. Isaza-Paz, C. Roldán, A. Zuloaga. “Applying Edge Artificial Intelligence to Closed Loop Real Time Control and Monitoring Of Laser Based Battery Pack Welding”. Journal of Laser Applications. Vol. 34, pp.  032012:1-13, 2022.

  23. B. Arejita, J.F. Isaza, M. Antunez, A. Zuloaga. “Adaptive Control for a Dual Laser Beam Solution for the Welding of High Reflectivity Dissimilar Materials”. Procedia CIRP. Vol. 111, pp. 443-447, 2022.

  24. B. Arejita, I. Garmendia, J. F. Isaza, A. Zuloaga. “Dynamic Control for LMD Processes using Sensor Fusion and Edge Computing”. Procedia CIRP. Vol. 111, pp. 308-312, 2022.

  25. J. Á. Gumiel, J. Mabe, J. Jiménez, J. Barruetabeña. “Introducing the Electronic Knowledge Framework into the Traditional Automotive Suppliers’ Industry: From Mechanical Engineering to Mechatronics”. Businesses. Vol. 2, pp. 273-290, 2022.

  26. J. Jiménez, L. Muguira, U. Bidarte, A. Largacha, J. Lázaro. “Specific electronic platform to test the influence of hypervisors on the performance of embedded systems”. Technologies. Vol. 10(3), pp. 65:1-10, 2022.

  27. J. Lázaro, J. Cabrejas, A. Zuloaga, L. Muguira, J. Jiménez. “Time Sensitive Networking Protocol Implementation for Linux End Equipment”. Technologies. Vol. 10 (3), pp. 55:1-11, 2022.

  28. E. Ibarra, A. Arias, I. Martínez de Alegría, A. Otero, L. de Mallac. “Digital Control of multiphase Series Capacitor Buck converter Prototype for the powering of HL-LHC Inner Triplet magnets”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 69 (10), pp. 10014-10024, 2022.

  29. J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, L. Muguira, A. Astarloa, J. Jiménez. “Embedded firewall for on-chip bus transactions”. Computers & Electrical Engineering. Vol. 98, pp. 107707:1-9, 2022.

  30. I. Aretxabaleta, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. I. Garate, U. Ugalde, J. L. Martin. “Multiple current amplifier-based gate driving for parallel operation of discrete SiC MOSFETs”. IET Power Electronics. Vol. 15 (4), pp. 317-324, 2022.

  31. I. Val, O. Seijo, R. Torrego, A. Astarloa. “IEEE 802.1AS Clock Synchronization Performance Evaluation of an Integrated Wired-Wireless TSN Architecture”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Vol. 18 (5), pp. 2986-2999, 2022.

  32. L. Sun, L. Muguira, J. Jiménez, A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro. “High-Performance Computing Architecture for Sample Value Processing in the Smart Grid”. IEEE Access. Vol. 10, pp. 12208-12218, 2022.

  33. E. Robles, M. Fernandez, J. Zaragoza, I. Aretxabaleta, I. Martinez de Alegría, J. Andreu. “Common-mode voltage elimination in multilevel power inverter-based motor drive applications”. IEEE Access. Vol. 10, pp. 2117-2139, 2022.

  34. E. Robles, M. Fernandez, J. Andreu, E. Ibarra, J. Zaragoza, U. Ugalde. “Common-mode voltage mitigation in multiphase electric motor drive systems”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 157, pp. 111971:1-21, 2022.

  35. J. A. Gumiel, J. Mabe, J. Jiménez, L. Zuazubiskar. “Nueva generación de componentes mecánicos y electrónicos en automoción: retos tecnológicos para los suministradores”. Dyna. Vol. 96, pp. 581-585, 2021.

  36. J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, L. Muguira, C. Cuadrado, J. Jiménez. “Fast and efficient address search in System-on-a-Programmable-Chip using binary trees”. Computers & Electrical Engineering. Vol. 96 (B), pp. 107403:1-12, 2021.

  37. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, M. Rodríguez, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez. “A Survey on Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures in the Communications of the Smart Grid”. Electronics. Vol. 10 (16), pp. 1881:1-15, 2021.

  38. E. Robles, M. Fernandez, I. Aretxabaleta, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu. “Modu-komuneko tentsioa ibilgailu elektrikoen isilpeko etsai”. Elhuyar. Vol. 343, pp. 80-85, 2021.

  39. I. Aretxabaleta, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, E. Robles. “High-Voltage Stations for Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging: Trends, Standards, Charging Modes and Comparison of Unity Power-Factor Rectifiers”. IEEE Access. Vol. 9, pp. 102177-102194, 2021.

  40. S. Alonso, J. Lázaro, J. Jiménez, U. Bidarte, L. Muguira. “Evaluating Latency in Multiprocessing Embedded Systems for the Smart Grid”. Energies. Vol. 14 (11), pp. 3322:1-14, 2021.

  41. H. Bory, J.L. Martin, I. Martínez de Alegría, L. Vazquez. “Effect of symmetrically switched rectifier topologies on the frequency regulation of standalone micro-hydro power plants”. Energies. Vol. 14 (11), pp. 3201:1-21, 2021.

  42. D. Santoro, I. Kortabarria, A. Toscani, C. Concari, P. Cova, N. Delmonte. “PV Modules Interfacing Isolated Triple Active Bridge for Nanogrid Applications”. Energies. Vol. 14 (10), pp. 2854:1-21, 2021.

  43. V. Repecho, A. Sierra-González, E. Ibarra, D. Biel, A. Arias. “Enhanced DC-link voltage utilization for sliding mode controlled PMSM drives”. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Vol. 9 (3), pp. 2850-2857, 2021.

  44. I. Aretxabaleta, E. Robles, M. Fernandez, I. Martínez de Alegría, Jon Andreu. “Ibilgailu elektrikoaren joera: 2030a helburu”. Elhuyar Aldizkaria, on line. URL:

  45. M. Rodríguez, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez, A. Astarloa. “A Fixed-Latency Architecture to Secure GOOSE and Sampled Value Messages in Substation Systems”. IEEE Access. Vol. 9, pp. 51646-51658, 2021.

  46. N. Arroyo-Lamas, I. Arteagoitia, U. Ugalde. “Surface Activation of Titanium Dental Implants by Using UVC-LED Irradiation”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 22 (5), pp. 2597:1-11, 2021.

  47. E. Robles, M. Fernandez, J. Andreu, E. Ibarra, U. Ugalde. “Advanced power inverter topologies and modulation techniques for common-mode voltage elimination in electric motor drive systems”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 140, pp. 110746:1-26, 2021.

  48. E. Trancho, E. Ibarra, P. Prieto, A. Arias, A. Lis, A. P. Pai. “Novel thermal management strategy for improved inverter reliability in electric vehicles”. Applied Sciences. Vol. 10 (22), pp. 8024 (1-14), 2020.

  49. D. Cabezuelo, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, F. Rodríguez, A. Arcas, N. Delmonte. “A methodology to determine the effect of a novel modulation in the reliability of an automotive DC-link capacitor”. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp. 192713-192726, 2020.

  50. N. Arroyo-Lamas, U. Ugalde, I. Arteagoitia. “Decontamination of Ti Oxide Surfaces by Using Ultraviolet Light: Hg-Vapor vs. LED-Based Irradiation”. Antibiotics. Vol. 9 (11), pp. 724, 2020.

  51. R. Barcena, T. Acosta, A. Etxebarria, I. Kortabarria. “LIDAR Assisted Wind Turbine Structural Load Reduction by Linear Single Model Predictive Control”. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp. 146548-146559, 2020.

  52. R. Barcena, T. Acosta, A. Etxebarria, I. Kortabarria. “Wind Turbine Structural Load Reduction by Linear Single Model Predictive Control”. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp. 98395-98409, 2020.

  53. B. Pozo, J. Á. Araujo, H. Zessin, L. Mateu, J. I. Garate, P. Spies. “Mini Wind Harvester and a Low Power Three-Phase AC/DC Converter to Power IoT Devices: Analysis, Simulation, Test and Design”. Applied Sciences. Vol. 10 (18), pp. 6347 (1-46), 2020.

  54. I. Aretxabaleta, I. Martínez de Alegría, J.I. Garate, A. Matallana, J. Andreu. “Wide Bandgap semiconductor HF-oscillation attenuation method with tuned gate RLC filter”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 35 (8), pp. 8025-8033, 2020.

  55. D. Cabezuelo, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, U. Ugalde, B. Blanqué, P. Andrada. “Synchronized Switching Modulation to Reduce the DC-Link Current in SRM Drives”. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp. 57849-57858, 2020.

  56. M. Fernandez, A. Sierra-Gonzalez, E. Robles, I. Kortabarria, E. Ibarra, J.L. Martin. “New modulation technique to mitigate common mode voltage effects in star-connected five-phase AC drives”. Energies. Vol. 13 (3), pp. 607:1-19, 2020.

  57. N. Arroyo, I. Arteagoitia, U. Ugalde. "Hydrocarbons decontamination of three titanium dental implants by using ultraviolet LED irradiation". Clinical Oral Implants Research. Vol. 30 (S19), pp. 225, 2019.

  58. A. Matallana, E. Robles, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, N. Delmonte, P. Cova. “A methodology to determine reliability issues in automotive SiC power modules combining 1D and 3D thermal simulations under driving cycle profiles”. Microelectronics Reliability. Vol. 102, pp. 113500:1-9, 2019.

  59. E. Robles, M. Fernandez, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria. “Mitigation of common mode voltage issues in electric vehicle drive systems by means of an alternative AC decoupling power converter topology”. Energies. Vol. 12 (17), pp. 3349:1-27, 2019.

  60. I. López, E. Ibarra, A. Matallana, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria. “Next generation electric drives for HEV/EV propulsion systems: Technology, trends and challenges”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 114, pp: 109336:1-23, 2019.

  61. M. Urbina, T. Acosta, J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte. “Smart Sensor: SoC architecture for the Industrial Internet of Things”. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Vol. 6 (4), pp. 6567-6577, 2019.

  62. A. Matallana, E. Ibarra, I. Lopez, J. Andreu, J.I. Garate, X. Jordà, J. Rebollo. “Power module electronics in HEV/EV applications: new trends in wide-bandgap semiconductor technologies and design aspects”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 113, pp. 109264:1-33, 2019.

  63. I. Aranzabal, I. Martinez de Alegría, N. Delmonte, P. Cova, I. Kortabarria. “Comparison of the heat transfer capabilities of conventional single- and two-phase cooling systems for an electric vehicle IGBT power module”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 34 (5), pp. 4185-4194, 2019.

  64. B. Pozo, J. I. Garate, J. A. Araujo, S. Ferreiro. “Energy Harvesting Technologies and Equivalent Electronic Structural Models – Review”. Electronics. Vol. 8 (5), pp. 486:1-32, 2019.

  65. B. Pozo, J. I. Garate, J. A. Araujo, S. Ferreiro. “Photovoltaic energy harvesting system adapted for different environmental operation conditions: analysis, modeling, simulation and selection of devices”. Sensors. Vol. 19 (7), pp. 1578:1-16, 2019.

  66. A. Sierra, E. Ibarra, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, J. Lasa. “Hegazkinen elektrifikazioa: aktuatzaile elektromekanikoak eta propultsio elektrikoa”. Ekaia. Vol. 35, pp. 259-277, 2019.

  67. A. Arias, E. Ibarra, E. Trancho; R. Griño, I. Kortabarria, J. Caum. “Comprehensive high speed automotive SM-PMSM torque control stability analysis including novel control approach”. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol. 109, pp. 423-433, 2019.

  68. A. Arias, J. Caum, R. Griñó, E. Ibarra. “Reducing the cogging torque effects in hybrid stepper machines by means of resonant controllers”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 66(4), pp. 2603-2612, 2019.

  69. A. Pérez-Basante, S. Ceballos, G. Konstantinou, J. Pou, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría. “A Universal Formulation for Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination - PWM with Half-Wave Symmetry”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 34 (1), pp. 943-957, 2019.

  70. B. Pozo, J. I. Garate, S. Ferreiro, I. Fernandez, E. Fernández de Gorostiza. “Supercapacitor Electro-Mathematical and Machine Learning Modelling for Low Power Applications”. Electronics. Vol. 7 (4), pp. 44:1-17, 2018.

  71. E. Trancho, E. Ibarra, A. Arias, I. Kortabarria, P. Prieto, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, I. López. “Sensorless Control Strategy for Light-duty EVs and Efficiency Loss Evaluation of High Frequency Injection under Standardized Urban Driving Cycles”. Applied Energy. Vol. 224, pp. 647-658, 2018.

  72. M. Urbina, J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, T. Acosta. “CPPS Gateway – Implementación de Modbus y Profibus en una plataforma programable SoC”. IEEE Latin America Transactions. Vol. 16 (2), pp. 335-341, 2018.

  73. M. Urbina, N. Moreira, M. Rodriguez, T. Acosta, J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa. “Secure Protocol and IP Core for Configuration of Networking Hardware IPs in the Smart Grid”. Energies. Vol. 11 (510), pp. 1-13, 2018.

  74. E. Trancho, E. Ibarra, A. Arias, I. Kortabarria, J. Jürgens, L. Marengo, A. Fricassè, J. V. Gragger. “PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine Flux Weakening Control for EV and HEV Applications”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 65 (4), pp. 2986-2995, 2018.

  75. I. Villalta, U. Bidarte, J. Gómez-Cornejo, J. Jiménez, J. Lázaro. “SEU Emulation in Industrial SoCs combining Microprocessor and FPGA”. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Vol. 170, pp. 53-63, 2018.

  76. A. Pérez-Basante, S. Ceballos, G. Konstantinou, J. Pou, J. Andreu, I. Martínez de Alegría. “(2N+1) Selective Harmonic Elimination-PWM for Modular Multilevel Converters: A Generalized Formulation and A Circulating Current Control Method”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 33 (1), pp. 802-818, 2018.

  77. M. Urbina, A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, I. Villalta, M. Rodríguez. “Cyber-Physical Production System Gateway based on a programmable SoC platform”. IEEE Access. Vol. 5, pp. 20408-20417, 2017.

  78. I. Villalta, U. Bidarte, J. Gómez-Cornejo, J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa. “Estimating the SEU Failure Rate of Designs implemented in FPGAs in Presence of MCUs”. Microelectronics Reliability. Vol. 78, pp. 85-92, 2017.

  79. N. Moreira, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez, A. Astarloa. “On the Utilization of System-on-Chip Platforms to Achieve Nanosecond Synchronization Accuracies in Substation Automation Systems”. IEEE Transactions on on Smart Grid. Vol. 8 (4), pp. 1932-1942, 2017.

  80. O. Oñederra, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, J. I. Garate. “Three Phase VSI optimal switching loss reduction using Variable Switching Frequency”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 32 (8), pp. 6570-6576, 2017.

  81. I. Aranzabal, A. Matallana, O. Oinederra, I. Martínez de Alegría, D. Cabezuelo. “Ibilgailu elektrikoen potentzia-bihurgailuen hozte-metodoak”. Ekaia. Vol. Especial, pp. 83-96, 2017.

  82. E. Trancho, E. Ibarra, A. Arias, N. Sabihi, I. López. “Ibilgailu elektrikoen propultsio-sistemak: motore elektrikoak eta horien kontrola”. Ekaia. Vol. Especial, pp. 61-82, 2017.

  83. D. Cabezuelo, A. Matallana, J. Andreu, I. Aranzabal, I. Kortabarria. “Ibilgailu elektriko, hibrido eta erregai-piladunak: teknologiaren egoera”. Ekaia. Vol. Especial, pp. 45-59, 2017.

  84. I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria “HVDC: Energia elektrikoaren garraioa korronte zuzenaren bidez”. Ekaia. Vol. Especial, pp. 11-23, 2017.

  85. J. Gómez-Cornejo, A. Zuloaga, I. Villalta, J. Del Ser, U. Kretzschmar, J. Lazaro. “A Novel BRAM Content Accessing and Processing Method based on FPGA Configuration Bitstream”. Microprocessors and Microsystems. Vol. 49, pp. 64-76, 2017.

  86. I. López, S. Ceballos, J. Pou, J. Zaragoza, J. Andreu, E. Ibarra, G. Konstantinou. “Generalized PWM-Based Method for Multiphase Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters With Capacitor Voltage Balance Capability”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 32 (6), pp. 4878-4890, 2017.

  87. G. Díaz, E. Planas, J. Andreu, J. Gómez-Alexaindre. “Risk-based Optimal Distribution of Power Reserves in Wind Power Plants”. Wind energy. Vol. 20 (3), pp. 397-410, 2017.

  88. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, J.A. Araujo, N. Moreira, U. Bidarte. “MACsec Layer 2 Security in HSR Rings in Substation Automation Systems”. Energies. Vol. 10 (2), pp. 162:1-15, 2017.

  89. G. Díaz, E. Planas. “A Note on the Normalization of Spanish Electricity Spot Prices”. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 31 (3), pp. 2499-2500, 2016.

  90. E. Molina, E. Jacob, A. Astarloa. “Using OpenFlow to control redundant paths in wireless networks.” Network Protocols and Algorithms. Vol. 8 (1), pp. 90-103, 2016.

  91. U. Kretzschmar, J. Gomez-Cornejo, A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte, J. Del Ser. “Synchronization of faulty processors in coarse-grained TMR protected partially reconfigurable FPGA designs.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Vol. 151, pp. 1-9, 2016.

  92. A. Llaria, G. Terrasson, O. Curea, J. Jiménez. “Application of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks to Achieve Intelligent Microgrids: A Promising Approach towards a Global Smart Grid Deployment.” Applied Sciences. Vol. 6 (3), pp. 61:1-23, 2016.

  93. E. Molina, E. Jacob, N. Toledo, A. Astarloa. “Performance enhancement of High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) networks using OpenFlow.” IEEE Communications Letters. Vol. 20 (2), pp. 364-367, 2016.

  94. N. Moreira, E. Molina, J. Lázaro, E. Jacob, A. Astarloa. “Cyber-security in substation automation systems.” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 45, pp. 1552-1562, 2016.

  95. I. López, S. Ceballos, J. Pou, J. Zaragoza, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, V. G. Agelidis. “Modulation Strategy for Multiphase Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters.” IEEE Transactions in Power Electronics. Vol. 31 (2), pp. 928-941, 2016.

  96. G. Díaz, E. Planas, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria. “Joint cost of energy under an optimal economic policy of hybrid power systems subject to uncertainty”. Energy. Vol. 88, pp. 837-848, 2015.

  97. J. A. Araujo, J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, J. I. Gárate. “PRP and HSR for High Availability Networks in Power Utility Automation: A Method for Redundant Frames Discarding”. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 6 (5), pp. 2325-2332, 2015.

  98. I. Garate, E. Ibarra, I. Martinez de Alegría, I. Kortabarria, J. A. Araujo. “Analysis of DC-DC power supply systems for pulsed loads from green electronics perspective”. IET Power Electronics. Vol. 8 (6), pp. 957–966, 2015.

  99. E. Molina, E. Jacob, J. Matías, N. Moreira, A. Astarloa. “Availability Improvement of Layer 2 Seamless Networks Using OpenFlow”. The Scientific World Journal. Vol. 2015, pp. 14, 2015.

  100. E. Molina, E. Jacob, J. Matías, N. Moreira, A. Astarloa. “Using Software Defined Networking to manage and control IEC 61850-based systems”. Computers & Electrical Engineering. Vol. 43, pp. 142-154, 2015.

  101. E. Planas, J. Andreu, J. I. Garate, I. Martínez de Alegría, E. Ibarra. “AC and DC technology in microgrids: a review”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 43, pp. 726-749, 2015.

  102. J. M. Cabero, I. Urteaga, V. Molina, F. Liberal, J. L. Martín. “Reliability of Bluetooth-based Connectivity Traces for the Characterization of Human Interaction”. Ad Hoc Networks. Vol. 25 (A), pp. 135–146, 2015.

  103. J. Altzibar, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, J. I. Garate, I. Kortabarria. "Ibilgailu elektriko eta hibridoak: eraginkortasun energetikoa hobetzeko aukera". Ekaia. Vol. 27, pp. 113-129, 2014.

  104. I. López. "BIMEP, olatu-energia Euskadin da". Elhuyar. Vol. 314, pp. 43-46, 2014.

  105. A. Llaria, J. Jiménez, O. Curea. "Study on communication technologies for the optimal operation of Smart Grids". Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 25, pp. 1009-1019, 2014.

  106. J. M. Cabero, I. Olabarrieta, S. Gil-López, J. Del Ser, J. L. Martín. "Range-free Localization Algorithm based on Connectivity and Motion". Wireless Networks. Vol. 20 (8), pp. 2287-2305, 2014.

  107. J. Pérez, J. Jiménez, A. Rabanal, A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro. "FTL-CFree: A Fuzzy Real-Time Language for Runtime Verification". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Vol. 10 (3), pp. 1670-1683, 2014.

  108. U. Kretzschmar, A. Astarloa, J. Jiménez, M. Garay, J. del Ser. "Compact and Fast Fault Injection System for Robustness Measurements on SRAM Based FPGAs". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 61 (5), pp. 2493-2503, 2014.

  109. I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Jimenez, J. I. Garate, E. Robles. "A Novel Adaptative Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Small Wind Turbines". Renewable Energy. Vol. 63, pp. 785-796, 2014.

  110. J. M. Cabero, V. Molina, I. Urteaga, F. Liberal, J. L. Martín. "Acquisition of human traces with Bluetooth technology: Challenges and proposals". Ad Hoc Networks. Vol. 12, pp. 2-16, 2014.

  111. E. Planas, J. Andreu, E. Ibarra, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría. "Mikrosareak: energia berriztagarriak integratzeko aukera". Ekaia. Vol. 26, pp. 245-256, 2013.

  112. A. Madariaga, J. L. Martín, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Zamora, S. Ceballos, O. Anaya-Lara. "Effective assessment of electric power losses in three-core XLPE cables". IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 28(4), pp. 4488–4495, 2013.

  113. S. Ceballos, J. Rea, I. López, J. Pou, E. Robles and D. O’Sullivan. "Efficiency Optimization in Low Inertia Wells Turbine-Oscillating Water Column Devices". IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol. 28(3), pp. 553-564, 2013.

  114. E. Planas, A. Gil-de-Muro, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría. "Design and implementation of a droop control in d-q frame for islanded microgrids". IET Renewable Power Generation. Vol. 7(5), pp. 458-474, 2013.

  115. I. López, J. Andreu, S. Ceballos, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Kortabarria. "Review of wave energy technologies and the necessary power-equipment". Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 27, pp. 413-434, 2013.

  116. I. López, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría, S. Ceballos. "Olatuak, potentzial handiko energia iturria". Elhuyar. Vol. 2936, pp. 46-49, 2013.

  117. U. Kretzschmar, A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro. "SEU Resilience of DES, AES and Twofish in SRAM-Based FPGA". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 7806, pp. 37-46, 2013.

  118. A. Madariaga, J. L. Martín, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Zamora, S. Ceballos. "Technological Trends in Electric Topologies for Offshore Wind Power Plants". Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 24, pp. 32-44, 2013.

  119. E. Planas, A. Gil-de-Muro, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría. "General aspects, hierarchical controls and droop methods in microgrids: A review". Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 17, pp. 147-159, 2013.

  120. E. Ibarra. "Energia elektrikoa kontrolatu nahian". Elhuyar. Vol. 293, pp. 46-48, 2013.

  121. I. López, J. Andreu, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Kortabarria, S. Ceballos, J. R. Etxebarria. "Olatu-energiaren bilakaera". Ekaia. Vol. 25, pp. 171-198, 2012.

  122. A. Madariaga, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. L. Martín, P. Eguía, S. Ceballos. "Current Facts about Offshore Wind Farms". Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 16(5), pp. 3105-3116, 2012.

  123. E. Ibarra, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. L. Martín, P. Ibañez. "Improvement of the Design Process of Matrix Converter Platforms Using the Switching State Matrix Averaging Simulation Method". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 59(1), pp. 220-234, 2012.

  124. J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, E. Ormaetxea, E. Ibarra, J. L. Martín, S. Apiñaniz. "A Step Forward Towards the Development of Reliable Matrix Converters". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 59(1), pp. 167-183, 2012.

  125. E. Planas, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, J. L. Martín, J. R. Etxebarria. "Droop metodoak: potentzia-bihurgailuak paraleloan konektatzeko haririk gabeko metodoak". Ekaia. Vol. 24, pp. 257-276, 2011.

  126. E. Robles, J. Pou, S. Ceballos, J. Zaragoza, J. L. Martín, P. Ibañez. "Frequency Adaptive Stationary Reference Frame Grid Voltage Sequence Detector for Distributed Generation Systems". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 58(9), pp. 4275-4287, 2011.

  127. S. Ceballos, J. Pou, J. Zaragoza, E. Robles, J. L. Villate, J. L. Martín. "Fault-Tolerant Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter Solutions Based on Including a Fourth Resonant Leg". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 58(6), pp. 2293-2303, 2011.

  128. Á. Llaría, O. Curea, J. Jiménez, H. Camblong. "Survey on microgrids: Unplanned islanding and related inverter control techniques". Renewable Energy. Vol. 36(8), pp. 2052-2061, 2011.

  129. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez. "I2CSec: a Secure Serial Chip-to-Chip Communication Protocol". Journal of Systems Architecture. Vol. 57(2), pp. 206-213, 2011.

  130. E. Ormaetxea, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, U. Bidarte, I. Martínez de Alegría, E. Ibarra, E. Olaguenaga. "Matrix Converter Protection and Computational Capabilities Based on a System on Chip Design with an FPGA". IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.26(1), pp. 272-287, 2011.

  131. E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, E. Ormaetxea, I. Martínez de Alegría, J.L. Martín, P. Ibáñez. "New Fault Tolerant Matrix Converter". Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 81(2), pp. 538-552, 2011.

  132. T. Dorta, J. Jiménez, J. L. Martín, U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa. "Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Systems: a Review." International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing. Vol. 2010, pp. 1-10, 2010.

  133. E. Ormaetxea, E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría, E. Planas, J. R. Etxebarria. "FPGA gailu birkonfiguragarriak: kontrol-sistema konplexuak inplementatzeko aukera berriak." Ekaia. Vol. 23, pp. 199-217, 2010.

  134. E. Ibarra, J. Andreu, E. Ormaetxea, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. L. Martín, J. R. Etxebarria. "Potentzia-bihurgailu matriziala: teknologia eraginkor eta konpaktua." Ekaia. Vol. 23, pp. 173-197, 2010.

  135. E. Robles, S. Ceballos, J. Pou, J. L. Martín, J. Zaragoza, P. Ibáñez. "Variable-Frequency Grid Sequence Detector Based on a Quasy-Ideal Low-Pass Filter Stage and a Phase-Locked Loop." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 25(10),  pp. 2552-2563, 2010.

  136. E. Ibarra, E. Ormaetxea, J. Andreu, I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría. "Potentzia-bihurgailuen diseinu-prozesuan, simulazioa bidaide." Elhuyar. Vol. 268, pp. 47-50, 2010.

  137. S. Ceballos, J. Pou, E. Robles, J. Zaragoza, J. L. Martín. "Performance Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.Vol. 57(8), pp. 2709-2718, 2010.

  138. A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, A. Zuloaga, J.L. Martín. "An Autonomous Fault Tolerant System for CAN Communications. " Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol.6098, pp. 281-290, 2010.

  139. J. Revenga, J. Andreu, E. Ormaetxea, U. Bidarte, P. Ibáñez. "Diseño de un convertidor matricial con control integrado. " DYNA Ingeniería e Industria. Vol. 85(3), pp. 217-224, 2010.

  140. J. Lázaro, J. L. Martín, J. Arias, A. Astarloa, C. Cuadrado. "Neuro Semantic Thresholding for High Precision OCR Applications. " Image and Vision Computing. Vol. 28(4), pp. 571-578, 2010.

  141. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez, A. Zuloaga. “AES-Galois Counter Mode encryption/decryption FPGA Core for Industrial and Residential Gigabit Ethernet Communications”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5453, pp. 312-317, 2009.

  142. I. Martínez de Alegría, J. L. Martín, I. Kortabarria, J. Andreu, P. Ibáñez. “Transmission Alternatives for Offshore Electrical Power”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. Vol. 13 (5), pp. 1027-1038, 2009.

  143. A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez, A. Zuloaga. “FPGA technology for multi-axis control Systems”, Mechatronics. Vol. 19 (2), pp. 258-268, 2009.

  144. Itziar Martínez de Alegría, P. Díaz de Basurto, Iñigo Martínez de Alegría, P. Ruiz de Arbulo. “European Union's renewable energy sources and energy efficiency policy review: The Spanish perspective”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. Vol. 13 (1), pp. 100-114, 2009.

  145. J. Andreu, U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa, I. Martínez de Alegría, P. Ibáñez. “FPGA solution for Matrix Converter Double Sided Space Vector Modulation Algorithm”. Internacional Journal of Electronics. Vol. 95 (11), pp. 1181-1200, 2008.

  146. J. Andreu, J. M. de Diego, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Kortabarria, J. L. Martín, S. Ceballos. “New Protection Circuit for High Speed Switching and Start-Up of a Practical Matrix Converter”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 55 (8), pp. 3100-3314, 2008.

  147. A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte, J. Jiménez, J. Lázaro, I. Martinez de Alegría. “Secure Ethernet Point-to-Point Links for Autonomous Electronic Ballot Boxes”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5060, pp. 603-614, 2008.

  148. A. Llaría, J. Jiménez, U. Bidarte, O. Curea. “Operational Amplifiers in Discrete Time Control Systems: Influence of the Rail-to-Rail Feature on their Performance”. WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. Vol. 5 (2), pp. 25-34, 2008.

  149. I. Marín, J. Arias, A. Zuloaga, E. Aceredillo, I. Losada, J. Mabe. “LL-MAC: A low latency MAC protocol for wireless self-organised networks”. Microprocessors and Microsystems. Vol. 32 (4), pp. 197-209, 2008.

  150. S. Ceballos, J. Pou, J. Zaragoza, J. L Martín, E. Robles, I. Gabiola, P. Ibáñez. “Efficient Modulation Technique for a Four-Leg Fault-Tolerant Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 55 (3), pp. 1067-1074, 2008.

  151. J. Lázaro, J. Arias, A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte, A. Zuloaga. “Hardware Architecture for a General Regression Neural Network Coprocessor”. Neurocomputing. Vol. 71 (1-3), pp. 78-87, 2007.

  152. J. Jiménez, J. L. Martín, U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga. "Design of a Master device for the Multifunction Vehicle Bus". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 56 (6), pp. 3695-3708, 2007.

  153. J. Arias, J. Lázaro, A. Zuloaga, J. Jiménez, A. Astarloa. "GPS-less location algorithm for wireless sensor networks". Computer Communications. Vol. 30 (14-15), pp. 2904-291, 2007.

  154. I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, J. L. Martín, P. Ibáñez, J. L. Villate, H. Camblong. "Connection requirements for Wind Farms: A Survey on Technical Requirements and Regulation". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. Vol. 11 (8), pp. 1858-1872, 2007.

  155. A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, U. Bidarte, J. L. Martín, J. Jiménez, J. Lázaro. "Tornado: A Self-Reconfiguration Control System for Core-Based Multiprocessor CSoPCs." Journal of Systems Architecture. Vol. 53 (9), pp. 629-643, 2007.

  156. H. Camblong, I. Martínez de Alegría, M. Rodríguez, G. Abad. "Experimental evaluation of wind turbines maximum power point tracking controllers". Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 47 (18-19), pp. 2846-2858, 2006.

  157. J. Lázaro, J. Arias, J. L. Martín, A. Zuloaga, C. Cuadrado. "SOM Segmentation of gray scale images for optical recognition". Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. 27 (16), pp. 1991-1997, 2006.

  158. J. Andreu, U. Bidarte, J. L. Martín, A. Astarloa, J. Jiménez. "FPGA solution for System-Level Validation of Matrix Converter Space Vector Modulation Algorithm". WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 1 (10), pp. 1747-1753, 2006.

  159. J. Andreu, I. Martínez de Alegría, I. Kortabarria, U. Bidarte, S. Ceballos. "Matrix Converter Protection: Active and Passive Strategy Considerations". WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 1 (10), pp. 1698-1706, 2006.

  160. I. Kortabarria, I. Martínez de Alegría, J. Andreu, J. L. Martín, J. L. Villate. "Study of a Sensorless Algorithm Behaviour in the Grid Connection Process of the Doubly-Fed Induction Machine. WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. Vol. 1 (10), pp. 1689-1697, 2006.

  161. P. Sáiz, J. Matías, E. Jacob, J. Bustamante, A. Astarloa. "Adaptation of IEEE 802.1X for secure session establishment between Ethernet peers". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 4332, pp. 220-234, 2006

  162. J. Jiménez, J. Arias, J. Andreu, C. Cuadrado, I. Kortabarria". "A Design Methodology for Progressive Families of Devices". WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. Vol. 3 (9), pp. 499-504, 2006.

  163. J. Jiménez, J. L. Martin, A. Zuloaga, U. Bidarte, J. Arias. "Comparison of two designs for the Multifunction Vehicle Bus". IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Vol. 25 (5), pp. 797-805, 2006.

  164. I. Marín, E. Arceredillo, J. Arias, A. Zuloaga, I. Losada. "Topics on power aware design". WSEAS Transactions on Communications. Vol. 5 (2), pp. 327-334, 2006.

  165. I. Marín, E. Arceredillo, A. Zuloaga, J. Arias. "Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey on Ultra-Low Power-Aware Design". Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology. Vol. 8, pp. 44-49, 2005.

  166. A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte, J. Lázaro, A. Zuloaga, J. Arias. "Multiprocessor SoPC-Core for FAT Volume Computation". Microprocessors and Microsystems. Vol. 29 (10), pp.  421-434, 2005.

  167. J. Lázaro, J. Arias, J. L. Martín, C. Cuadrado, A. Astarloa. "Implementation of a Modified Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Real-Time Applications". Microprocessors and Microsystems. Vol. 29 (8-9), pp. 375-380, 2005.

  168. J. L. Martín, A. Zuloaga, C. Cuadrado, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte. "Hardware Implementation of Optical Flow Constraint Equation using FPGAs". Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Vol. 98 (3), pp. 462-490, 2005.

  169. J. Lázaro, J. Arias, J. L. Martín, A. Astarloa, U. Bidarte. "A Tiny Microprocessor Floating Point Implementation of a General Regression Neural Network". WSEAS Transactions on Computers. Vol. 2 (4), pp. 280-285, 2005.

  170. J. Arias, J. Lázaro, J. Jiménez, A. Zuloaga, A. Astarloa. "Simulation Environment for Distance based Location Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks". WSEAS Transactions on Communications. Vol. 2 (4), pp. 79-84, 2005.

  171. C. Cuadrado, A. Zuloaga, J. L. Martín, J. Lázaro, J. Jiménez. "VHDL Description of a Synthetizable and Reconfigurable Real-Time Stereo Vision Processor". WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. Vol. 1(2), pp. 17-22, 2005.

  172. U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, J. L. Martín, J. Jiménez. "Chapter 4: Core-Based Architecture for Data Transfer Control in SoC Design". New Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing, P. Lysaght y W. Rosenstiel (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 43-54, 2005.

  173. J. Jiménez, J. L. Martín, J. Arias, U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa. "TCN (Train Communication Network) gateway for simulation". WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. Vol. 4 (1), pp.  601-606, 2004.

  174. I. Goirizelaia, K. Espinosa, J. L. Martín, J. Lázaro, J. Arias, J. J. Igarza. "An Electronic Secure Voting System Based on Automatic Paper Ballot Reading". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3287, pp. 470-477, 2004.

  175. A. Astarloa, J. Lázaro, U. Bidarte, J. L. Martín, A. Zuloaga. "A self-reconfiguration framework for multiprocessor CSoPCs". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3203, pp. 1124-1126, 2004.

  176. J. Lázaro, A. Astarloa, J. Arias, U. Bidarte, C. Cuadrado. "High Throughput Serpent Encryption Implementation". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3203, pp. 996-1000, 2004.

  177. U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa, J. L. Martín, J. Andreu. "Simulation Platform for Architectural Verification and Performance Analysis in Core-Based SoC Design". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3203, pp. 965-969, 2004.

  178. J. Arias, J. Lázaro, J. M. Aguirregabiria. "Basque: A Case Study in Generalizing LATEX Language Support". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3130, pp. 27-33, 2004.

  179. J. Arias, A. Zuloaga, J. Lázaro, J. Andreu, A. Astarloa. "Malguki: An RSSI based Ad-Hoc Location Algorithm". Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 28 (8), pp. 403-409, 2004.

  180. J. Lázaro, J. Arias, J. L. Martín, C. Cuadrado. "Modified Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Real-Time Applications". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 2778, pp. 1087-1090, 2003.

  181. U. Bidarte, A. Astarloa, A. Zuloaga, J. Jiménez, I. Martínez de Alegría. "Core-Based Reusable Architecture for Slave Circuits with Extensive Data Exchange Requeriments". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 2778, pp. 497-506, 2003.

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