Jon Andreu

Jon Andreu

Accademic awards


  • Award:  Industrial Automation and Electronics engineer.
  • Faculty: Engineering Faculty of Mondragon.
  • Date:  March 1997.


  • Award: Ph. D. Industrial Automation and Electronics engineer. Extraordinary prize of doctorate  2008-2009 (UPV-EHU).
  • Faculty: Engineering Faculty of Bilbao (UPV/EHU).
  • Date: December 2nd 2008.
  • Title of the thesis: Improvement of the Performance and Protections of a Direct AC/AC Power Converter with Matrix Topology.
  • Director: José Luis Martín.

Academic position

Electronic Technology Full Professor.

Other activities

  • DIBAL S.A. (2000-2002): R & D Department as Firmware engineer.
  • DANOBAT S. COOP. (1999-2000): Automation Project engineer and Software Desing Manager.
  • IDEKO A.I.E. Technological Center (1996-1999): Machine-Tool Control engineer.

Logos departamento
