Jaime Jiménez
- Phone: +34 94 601 4142
- Email: jaime.jimenez@ehu.eus
- Office: Building I-F, 2nd floor
Address: Department of Electronics Technology
Engineering Faculty of Bilbao UPV/EHU
Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo, 1
48013 Bilbao
Academic awards
- Award: Telecommunications engineer.
- Faculty: Engineering Faculty - Bilbao (UPV/EHU).
- Date: September 1991.
- Award: MsC in Mathematics.
- Faculty: Science Faculty (UNED).
- Date: June 2013.
- Award: Ph. D. telecommunications engineer.
- Faculty: Engineering Faculty - Bilbao (UPV/EHU).
- Date: June 2005.
- Title of the thesis: Contributions to the design and test of complex digital circuits for train communications.
- Director: José Luis Martín González.
Academic position
Electronic Technology Assistant Professor.
Teaching activities
- Digital Systems (3rd Graduate Technology Telecommunication Eng.)
- Microelectronics (1st Master Telecommunication Eng.)
Other activities
- Engineer at Robotiker Technological Center.
- Technician at the Basque Government (Treasury Department).