Asset Publisher

New technological offer for the smart grids of the year 2020. Offshore HVDC and operation of LV networks (FUTURE GRIDS-2020). IE14-389

from 2014 to 2015
Financing entity:
Eusko Jaurlaritza / Basque Government (ETORTEK program)

The FUTURE GRIDS-2020 project consists of the development of activities in the field of energy and is specifically focused, from the standpoint of the applications, on the design of substations for evacuation at high voltage and direct current (HVDC) of power produced in offshore wind farms and in the advanced operation of low-voltage networks (LV). In this project participates TECNALIA (consortium leader), BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – and the UPV/EHU through the Research Group of Electrical Systems (GISEL) of the department of Electrical Engineering and the Research Group of Applied Electronics (APERT) of the department of Electronic Technology. The APERT group participates in the development of DC/DC medium-voltage converters using silicon-carbide semiconductor materials and magnetic components with nanocrystalline or amorphous core for dc distribution systems, as well as in the creation of an infrastructure for testing power converters at medium voltage.