Edorta Ibarra

- Phone: +34 94 601 7434
- Email: edorta.ibarra@ehu.eus
- Office: Building I-F, 2nd floor
- Address: Teknologia Elektronikoa saila
Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskola
Torres Quevedo Ingeniariaren Plaza, 1
48013 Bilbao
Academic awards
- Award: Electronic engineer.
- Faculty: Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU).
- Date: October 2004.
- Award: Bachelor of Science in Physics.
- Faculty: Faculty of Science (Universidad de Cantabria).
- Date: September 2005.
- Award: Ph. D. Electronics engineer.
- Faculty: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
- Date: 6-9-2011.
- Title of the thesis: New solutions for the design process and the fault tolerance for power matrix converter.
- Directors: Jon Andreu and Jose Luis Martín.
Academic position
Associate Professor of Electronic Technology.
Teaching activities
Computer Architecture (Graduate in Management Computer and Systems Information Engineering)
- Electronic systems (Master in Industrial Engineering)
- Metodology and Formation in Research (Master in Advanced Electronic Systems)
- Cosimulation for the verification of systems over FPGAs (Master in Advanced Electronic Systems)
Other activities
- Member of the Editorial Board of the EKAIA scientific magazine (2015-now).
- Tecnalia Research and Innovation (2014-2016).