Asset Publisher

Contactless Submarine Power Transfer Station Demonstrator (COLAB 19/02)

from 2020 to 2021
Financing entity:
University of the Basque Country (Colaborative projects)

There is an increasing demand for submarine ROVs, sensors, Gas, Oil and mineral resource extracting machinery and aquaculture services. All these services will require providing electric power and existing technology (power cables and batteries) limits the time of operation or the distance range of operation. Recharging the batteries requires extracting the devices from the water, and cable connected devices have limited operational range. The availability of contactless power charging of batteries can extend the time and operating distance range of these devices, and reduce the operating cost of many activities underwater, as well as facilitate new services underwater. The goal of this project is to study, design and build a Submarine Contactless Power Transfer Station and install this system in the FLUME wave tank located at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao of the University of the Basque Country. The project would place the JRL-ORE in a privileged starting position in the run for submarine electrical power transfer because this technology is in very early stages of research.