Asset Publisher

CARES: Development of advanced equipment for the manufacturing value chain based on new concepts for decision support aimed at generating high added value services for the recovery of the competitiveness of Spanish industry

Company / Centre:
from 2016 to 2019

Movements such as Industrie 4.0 (Germany) and Cyber Physical Systems -CPS- (USA) are generating a wave of projects oriented to the solution of knowledge spaces not solved in an operative way, with already existing technologies successfully applied in other sectors.

Emerging opportunities in fields such as cloud computing, knowledge engineering, service-oriented architectures or mass data mining (Big Data), will generate new ways of understanding the business where the enriched information will be the differential value for investment in productive means. The development of new ways of understanding productive infrastructures, based on better use and exploitation of data and the generation of advanced services, will be the key to competitiveness of Spanish companies for the generation of smart products.

The complementarity and technological synergies obtained by the fusion of these areas of knowledge make the CARES project a set of tools, mechanisms and solutions that, together, will allow to cover the current needs of data utilization during decision making.