Inmaculada Arostegui Madariaga
Curriculum vitae
Inmaculada Arostegui Madariaga (b. Fika, 1966) holds an undergraduate degree and a PhD in Mathematical Science from the UPV/EHU and a Master of Health Science in Biostatistics degree from the Johns Hopkins University. She is currently a full professor in the Statistics & Operational Research area of the Faculty of Science & Technology, a statistical adviser to the Galdakao-Usansolo Teaching Hospital and a collaborating researcher at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. Her field of research is biostatistics, focussing especially on health services research. She holds three six-year research periods and one knowledge-transfer period, and has over 75 scientific publications totalling over 2000 citations to her name. She has taken part in numerous research projects, networks, consolidated groups and research under contract with companies, in many cases as the lead researcher. She has also taken part in conferences and in the organising of international scientific events. She teaches Statistics and Public Health, and has two positive ratings under the Docentiaz programme, the last of them "Excellent". She has directed five PhD theses. She was a member of the UPV/EHU's Committee on Ethics in Research with Human Beings in 2019-2020. She is a member of the Spanish Biometric Society (Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society), and was its president in 2016-2017. She has also been a member of the Executive Committee of the Society for Statistics and Operational Research since 2019. She is actively engaged in the dissemination of science, especially in activities aimed at bringing statistics and its applications closer to society.